birth story

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it was October 10 and Kushina Uzumaki was going into labor inside a cave with her husband Minato Namakazi , the fourth hokage. Out side of the cave where 5 ANBU  on guard, one by one those ANBU fell like flies, the man behind the murder was a masked ninja trying to steal the nine tailed fox from its jinchuriky. the masked man made his way in the room and stole the new born Naruto Uzumaki Namakazi, as a hostage so the fourth hokage didnt interfere

masked man: step away from the jinchuriky!

minato: Naruto!! Who are you!? Why are you doing this!?

masked man: only time will tell...*throws naruto up disappears with kushina*

minato jumped up  to save his new born son.

minato: KUSHINA!!

 *else where in the village* 

*kakashi pov*

Kakashi Hatake was going to the cave where his sensei's son was being born with Anko Mitarashi who was going with kakashi so she can visit her sensei's new born son as well.

anko: hey u-um kakashi-kun...

kakashi: yeah anko-chan?

anko: t-thank you fo-for coming with me to e-eat dangos.(she said with a blush)

kakashi: yeah its really no problem anko-chan, i really enjoy your company... especially since most of the people i cared about are dead...

anko: ...

kakashi: at least i still have y-you and sensei and asuma and kurinai and the rest of the gang.

anko felt tears in her eyes after what kakashi said, that he is glad to have her and he enjoys her company. With Anko's heart beating faster and faster by just standing next to him, she knew she had to confess to him right now

anko: Kakashi-kun! Im in l...!

anko was cut of by a scream that was full of pain and by the name he screamed she knew it was kakashi's sensei and her sensei's husband. kakashi instantly grabbed anko and carried her bridal style and sunshined to the cave, when kakashi landed both of the ninjas eyes where showing fear as they saw the bodies of four ANBU drowning in a pool of blood. Before they where even able to movie they saw the yellow flash of the leaf about to teleport to his beautiful wife, but he stopped when he saw the two ninjas that him and his wife took care of as there own children. Before kakashi could say anything to his sensei, his sensei beat him to it.

minato: please stay here and take care of naruto! h-he took her! he took my kushina!

kakashi: minato-sensei please let me go with you, lady kushina always treated me as if i where her own son, i dont want her to be hurt.

minato: no kakashi he is way to dangerous and crazy please stay here with anko and protect my son, your little brother.

kakashi: Hai!

minato: and kakashi... if something happens to me... please take care of naruto and raise him as your own son.

minato sunshined away to his wife leaving kakashi and anko alone to take care of his son.

kakshi: please come back... both of you...(kakashi said to himself)

kakashi turned around so he can comfort the crying boy that was in ankos arms a few moments ago, but when kakashi turned around he saw the blond baby with blue eyes and three whiskers on each side of his cheek alone in a basket and a note on his blanket.

the note:

kakashi, im going to bring kushina-sensei back so i can redeem myself from what the villagers think of me... they think of me as an evil snake. so im going to help minato-sama save kushina-senei, and in case i dont come back... i want you to know that i have always been in lo-

the note was blown out of kakashis hands by a huge roar and a wave of massive chacra. kakashi didnt want to let the new born get hurt so kakashi threw himself over the boys basket blocking off any flying object towards naruto that can hurt him. after the eind calmed down a little bit kakashi looked up at what caused all of that and his heart dropped at what he saw...

'its the nine tails...' kakashi said in his head..

ok so thats the end of the first chapter and yeah i kinda left it off on a cliff hanger sorry but i think you will like the second chapter which i will upload tomorrow in the late morning or early evening, and if someone actually ends up reading it then thank you to those people for taking there time and reading this, and please let me know how i did, i would like to see what you guys think of my first book.

thanks again to the readers (if i ever get any lol) and stay tuned for the next chapter.

with love, author-kun out!

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