4 years later

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i know i said 3 years later but i was mistaken my bad

*naruto pov*

i was running away from the orphanage because i over heard the lady in charge of the place talking to some villagers about how tonight she will take all the kids and staff out of the building and the villagers where gonna come in and burn the place down while i was still in there. I always hated it, everyone in the village always beats me and call me hurtful names and torture me too if they found me asleep, they would take out there kunai and start cutting me and making me wake up in pain, thats why i always have nightmares and only sleep for 2 hours. the only thing i was going to miss from that place was the purple haired lady and the silver haired man that always visits me, they keep on telling me that im gonna have a mommy and daddy pretty soon that have loved me since i was born, but they both died when i was born and all the villagers say it was all my fault because im a demon.

*kakashi pov*   

i was coming back from a mission with the love of my life anko and we where going to the hokages office to report our mission was a success and then get the adoption papers from him because we have been waiting long enough because we loved naruto as if he where our own child becuase thats what we promised our senseis. we would always visit him every time we would get back from a mission to just talk to him and play with him, i would always notice the stares he got from the staff at the orphanage  and every time we would see him he always had bruises and cut wounds and when we would ask him who did this to him so we can PERSONALLY deal with them, he would always tell us he would rather not say.

kakashi: hey anko, if when we see him and he has at least one more little scratch on him, we are gonna leave him there one more night and ill stay there hiding watching him and see just exactly how he gets hurt.

anko: ok baby, ill stay with you too.

kakashi: no go home and i want you to make sure narutos room is perfect, i want him to be happy.

anko: fine, but you never let me have fun, hmmf.

kakashi: awww dont be like that you know i love yo-


head of orphanage: i mean we are finally free of the demon that destroyed the leaf  village.

anko let out snakes and made them rap around the head of the orphanage and started to squeeze her tight.

anko: i dont know who you think your calling a demon but you better choose your next words carefully!

head of orphanage: oh come on, dont tell me you actually care for him? HAHA! if you cared for him why didnt you adopt him when he was born.

kakashi: because, we where under age but we have cared for him since the day he was born, hell, we where the ones that protected him during the nine tails attack. so you better tell us where my son is or i will let my girlfriend's snakes break every bone in your body.

third: i suggest you listen to them because i thought and cared for him as if he was my grandson.

head of orphanage: ugh hes long gone.

third: ok then, ANBU take her away, charges are child abuse and child starvation and torture and planning on murder.

head of orphanage: WHAT!? lord third i think your mistaken i never did any of that, i think you got the wrong per-

third: i had ANBU in the orphanage to keep an eye on him make sure he was safe they where only allowed to inter vein if you where going to kill him on the spot, then the ANBU where to heal him but not to much so there cover wouldnt have been blown. take her away.

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