The Kyuubi

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Anko pov

I was following lord fourth secretly covering my chakra so he wont notice me. Lord fourth came to a stop when there was a loud roar and a wave of massive chakra. what we saw was something  we prayed that wouldnt happen since madara and hashirama.

"the kyuubi..." said Minato and Anko in unison.




anko: ok, ok, ok, he is with kakashi-kun, i came over here to help you save kushina-sensei.

minato: ugh! fine! but you need to stay away from the nine tails i dont want you getting hurt.

anko: Hai!

kakashi pov

'I swear to god anko you better not be dead' kakashi thought as he was racing towards ankos faint chakra with baby naruto strapped on his back, kakashi knew anko wasnt good at hiding her chakra so he was praying that she was just hiding her chakra and not dying. as kakahsi was about to reach her, naruto started crying and pointing at the opposite direction as they where going, he was crying louder and louder the farther they went, kakashi felt  2 new chakra signatures in the direction naruto was pointing at... it was the masked mans and kushinas. 'Its like naruto is able to feel when his mother was around' thought kakashi. without a word kakahi summoned pakun and sent him to anko to see if she was alright, when pakun reached there he saw anko searching for kushina and minato trying to draw back the nine tails.

pakun: minato! kakashi found kushina! draw the kyuubi away and come help him fight!

minato: alright! take anko to kakashi so she can help him!

pakun: Hai!

as pakun was running towards kakashi with anko right behind, they noticed the village was completely destroyed.

anko: pakun is ka-kakashi-kun alright? is he mad i left him with naruto?

pakun: no hes not, he was very worried about you though.

anko felt a little giddy because she just heard the love of her life was worried about her.

on the other hand pakun was feeling proud because hes getting them closer and closer together.

*time skip to kakashi*    

kakashi was holding off the masked man away from kushina. before he reached them he put a genjutsu around naruto so only leaf ninja can see him and placed him by a tree. kushina was chained up in the air and kakashi managed to get in front of her to keep him away from doing anymore damage. pakun and anko arrived and as if the masked man was scared he started to disappear slowly but before he fully vanished he pointed at kakashi and said

masked man: you kakashi hatake, we will see each other again.

*masked man fully gone*

pakun: I cant smell him anywhere, what should we do kakashi?

kakashi: i dont know... anko got any ideas?

*minato poofs in front of all of them*

minato: you all will do nothing, just make sure to get the remaining villagers out of here.

'do i really not get to speak?' thought anko.

*30 minute time skip cuz im lazy*

kakashi: anko so now that we got them all out what do you think we should do?

anko: well ive been trying to tell you something for about 3 years now...

kakashi: yeah ive been needing to tell you something to for some time now.

anko: yeah so this thing... uhhh.... well kakashi ive been in lo-


kakashi: anko come on we need to see what happened, we can talk about this after.

anko: ok kakashi.

they sunshined to the third, and when they got there, they instantly broke down, minato and kushina where impaled with a claw from the nine tails and where hunched over a sleeping naruto. minato and kushina asked for there favorite students.

minato: kakashi *cough* i need you to take care of naruto *cough* raise him as if he was your son, give him what i couldnt kakashi. i know you can do it.

kushina: anko i want you to raise naruto like if you where his mom *cough* you and kakashi can move into our home to raise him together *wink*

anko: sensei now isnt the time to joke *sob*

minato: we are being serious *cough*  we know you two have feelings for eachother *wink* i know you two wont be prepared for this so we will wait until naruto is four until then he will be in the care of the third.

anko: *blushing* bu-

kakashi: *blushing* we will do it.

minato: let us say our good byes kushin.

kushina: ok minato...

ok ok ok thats the end of this chapter sorry if it was confusing but the next chapter will be based on 3 years later so stay tuned for the next chapter. author-kun out 😜

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