Team 7

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*Naruto pov*

I woke up to Hinata drooling on my face... and its starting to go in my mouth! I moved away from her mouth and I was trying to figure out how Hinata ended up in the room me and Sasuke share. I guess when I was asleep Hinata got in my bed and cuddled me while I slept but some how her face was on mine and drooling. Hinata moved around a little then something soft and firm was pressing against my face. I didn't know what it was and so I poked it and heard Hinata moan...wait... moan... OH GOD! I NEED TO STOP BEFORE SASUKE WAL-

Sasuke: Hey idiot you need to wake u- I saw nothing.

Sasuke opened our bed room door and saw me wide eyed staring at him. Me and Sasuke share a room but the emo moron wakes up early to do who knows what. I got up instantly when he said that and Hinata flew off the bed and he just started laughing. I helped Hinata up and apologized for dropping her.

Sasuke: Get dressed and bring your headbands we are going to the academy.


My mom popped up behind me and punched the top of my head and started scolding me.

Anko: Shut up Naruto! Your going to wake up Julia. Now get ready, you are going to be assigned to your team.

I got dressed faster then Sasuke and Hinata and I was just sitting on the couch playing with Julia until they got ready. Once every one was done I kissed Julia on the head and put her down and we all left the house.

Hinata: I hope we are all on the same team!

Naruto: I just hope your not on Kiba's team...

Sasuke: You were on the roof weren't you.

Naruto: Yeah I was hehe...

Hinata: Naruto I love you and only you! For ever and always!

Naruto: I love you and only you too! For ever and always!

Sasuke: And the brother gets no love huh...

Sakura: Saaaaaaasukeeeeeeeeeeeee! I loveeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuu!

Sasuke: Naruto, Hinata.... RUN!!!!

We all started running but Sasuke was running faster then any of us. Me and Hinata started to walk because Sasuke was out of sight and we started holding hands. Once Sakura passed us she slowly walked back towards us and gave us a confusing look.

Sakura: Why doesn't Sasuke hold your hand Hinata? Your his sister aren't you? Why hold this idiot Naruto's hand?

Naruto: Because you screaming banshee!!! I'm her boyfriend!!! 


Hinata: N-No, Sakura, me and Naruto have been dating before his parents adopted me! Its allowed!

Sakura: Oh! Well at least I know your not going after my Sasuke!


Sasuke popped up behind a tree and screamed at Hinata.

Sasuke: NO SHE CANT!!!

Sakura: SASUKE!!



*Kakashi pov*

I was in the trees watching my children walking to the academy and I got bored so I pulled out my orange little book and started giggling at what I read like a little fan girl... dont judge me. I heard one of Sasuke's fan girls scream, 'THATS INCEST!'. I just automatically assumed they were talking about Naruto and Hinata. They started dating before me and Anko signed the papers for her adoption, so even the hokage approved of it. I was cut out of my thoughts when I heard Hinata my shy daughter yell 'YOU CAN HAVE HIM', I started to laugh silently when I saw my second son yell back saying 'NO SHE CANT'. I started to sweat drop when my oldest son's fan girl yelled his name, I started rolling on the tree branch when I heard my two boys shouting each others names. I poofed away and went to the hidden room in the class room my children were in with the other new senseis.

*Sasuke pov*

Me and my siblings walked into the room and we all sat next to each other, me on the left, Naruto on the right, and Hinata in the middle, Naruto and I have always been protective of Hinata, Naruto's reason is because thats his girlfriend and my reason is because she is my sister, and also because its fun to see all my fan girls get mad that I'm giving her more attention. Me and Naruto started talking while Hinata laid her head on his shoulder. I noticed that Sakura was eyeing Naruto... dont tell me she likes him too now. As I was thinking that Sakura proved me wrong and got up and smacked Naruto upside the head which got me pissed. Sakura started yelling at Naruto and Hinata woke up scared so being the good older brother I am I started comforting her and then Sakura saw this and was going to start yelling at Hinata but then Naruto just flickered and vanished from his seat... WHEN THE HELL DID HE GET FAST!? Oh wait no I rememeber that dad and mom were talking to him about needing to be faster since he was the slowest one so that explains it but, DAMN! I got to get better then him. Naruto flickered behind Sakura with a kunai to her throat... I'm the oldest I need to be better. Naruto whispered in her ear and her face went pale. Naruto put down the kunai and sat back in his seat then Iruka-sensei walked in and started calling out teams I only payed attention to the people we know though.

Iruka: Team 8 will be, Shino, Kiba, and Hinata.

Kiba: ALRIGHT! Now I can get with Hinata, this is great Shino.

Naruto: Dog breath I just want you to know that if you so much as look at Hinata in a way I dont like...

Naruto paused and then flickered and vanished, he flickered behind Kiba with a kunai in his hand pointed to his little boy erea.

Naruto: ... I will neuter you like the dog that you are. Do.I.Make.Myself.Clear.

Kiba gulped at how fast Naruto was and was very afraid of him.

Kiba: C-Crystal!

I started laughing when Naruto flickered back to his seat. I gave him a high five then we let Iruka finish saying the teams.

Iruka: Team 10 wil be Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji.


Iruka: And lastly... Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke, as team 7. I am proud of every one here! Now go off and have lunch with your team and meat back here so you can meat your new senseis!



Sasuke: Hn.

*Time skip*  

Me, Naruto, and the screaming banshee, were sitting in class by ourselves as every one had already left with there new sensei. Naruto gave Hinata a kiss when she left and I fake gagged at them to tease. Then Naruto and I both gave Kiba the 'I wish you would' look. Naruto started putting up an eraser on the door so it can hit our new sensei.

Sakura: Naruto! You idiot that will never work!

Sasuke: The banshee is right... you do it like this.

Me and Naruto smirked at each other and while setting up the prank. A while later the door opened and in came a silver haired man with gravity defying hair... oh no.

Sasuke and Naruto: DAD!?

As we said that pink dust fell on top of our fathers hair... boy we are in for it.

Kakashi: My first impression on all of you is... I hate you all, now meat me on the roof in 10 minutes.

And with that our dad poofed a way.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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