meeting the uchiha brothers

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anko and kakashi where getting ready for a mission when naruto came in the room crying.

naruto: why is mommy and daddy leaving me? does mommy and daddy not love me anymore? was i bad? ill be good i promise! please dont leave me!

kakashi and anko where heart broken because of what there son thought was gonna happen. kakashi and anko had to explain to there 4 year old son that they where gonna be gone for a week and that there will be someone staying here with him.

kakashi: naruto, you dont have to be scared, my good friend itachi is gonna stay with you, and he is bringing his little brother with him too so you can make a friend, his name is sasuke and he is 5 years old.

naruto: bad! bad! no friends! they hurt me!

naruto ran under the bed hiding in fear thinking they where going to abuse him like the other villagers.

anko: come on out sweet heart, none of them are gonna hurt you, we promise. right kakashi?

kakashi: yeah they wont hurt you naruto, they arent like the villagers, they dont think you are a demon.

naruto: o-ok... fine. you promise your friend wont hurt me daddy?

kakashi: i pinky promise.

naruto got out from under the bed and hugged his mother and father.

naruto: so mommy and daddy will be gone for a week?

anko: yes naruto but we will try to come back sooner.

naruto: oka-

naruto was cut off by the sound of the door bell. kakashi went to go check who was at the door and it was itachi uchiha and sasuke uchiha with 2 suit cases filled with a weeks worth of clothes.

sasuke: so why did i have to come again big brother?

itachi: because sasuke you need to make new friends, i dont want you alone in the house all day.

naruto poked his head under kakashis legs to see who was there. what he saw was a tall raven haired teen with long hair, and next to him was another raven haired boy but his hair looked like... well, like a ducks butt.

itachi: oh! kakashi is this your son! hes a spitting image of minato!

kakashi: yup, this is naruto. naruto, why dont you take sasuke to your room and play with your toys that we bought you?

naruto: ok daddy! come on sasuke, i got the new shinobe action figure set.

sasuke: ok.

naruto took sasuke to his room and the teen and the young adult heard sasuke scream.


naruto: I KNOW RIGHT!


naruto and sasuke: AHHHHHHHHH!

naruto ran out of his room with sasuke behind him, both of the boys running like there little lives depended on it. anko started chasing them out the room with the action figure in her hand.

anko: come back here! how is she hot!? she is like 40 years old!

kakashi and itachi sweat dropped. kakashi grabbed anko and grabbed their bags.

kakashi: itachi you can sleep in the guest room and sasuke can sleep with naruto in his room, just a warning naruto has been having nightmares every night because of the beatings those damned villagers gave him. hes only been getting 2 hours of sleep and wakes up crying and sweaty, when that happens someone needs to hold him until he stops hyperventilating.

itachi: ok got it.

anko: but be gentle with him and dont grab him too fast or he will think your trying to hurt him.

itachi: ok.

kakashi: and also font forg-

itachi starts pushing them out the door.

itachi: i got it i got it, you told me a thousand times when you asked me to do this. he will be fine i promise.

anko: ok ok! let me just say by to my babyyyyy!

itachi: fine.

anko: bye naruto, behave with itachi and dont cause him too much trouble. we will be back before you know it.

naruto: bye mommy! bye daddy! i love you!

anko and kakashi: bye we love you too.

anko and kakashi left and itachi was standing in the door way waving them off. he closed the door and turned around to walk to the guest room to unpack his suit case.


itachi fell down but didnt know why. he heard naruto and sasuke giggling behind the kitchen counter. itachi looked down at his feet  and saw ninja string that naruto had found in his parents closet tied around his ankles.

he hopped in front of the kids so fast that they went silent and they just stared at the teen that quickly got in front of them.

itachi: let the prank wars....*activates sharingan* begin.

naruto and sasuke: AHHHHHHHHHHH!

alright welp thats the end of this chapter. took me long ass time but i did it. next chapter is gonna be a time skip to when itachi and sasuke are leaving.

aight well later.

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