"Watch out"

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Lifeline crouched down, breathing heavily. Sweat dripped down the side of her face as she reloaded her Flatline. She was starting to run low on bullets.. not good when being perused by a squad. Their footsteps could be heard nearby, adrenaline surging through the medic. Wattson, who was right next to Lifeline, noticed a wound on her teammate. "You got hit?" She asked peeking around the corner. "Yeah but I'm fine. Only a scratch," Lifeline responded a bit breathlessly. 'Where the hell was Octane?!' She thought you herself. Suddenly another voice could be heard. "I sense that they're nearby," Bloodhound. "They couldn't have gone far," the two ought to be tracked if they don't move fast. She looked at Wattson, who had her Peacekeeper ready to fire. They both nodded in unison before showing themselves and raining bullets down on the opposing team's heads. The sound of shots being fired echoed throughout the area, probably drawing attention towards them. Lifeline was able to knock one of them down, but wasn't able to avoid the bullet that shot right into her shoulder. She yelled out in pain. Wattson knocked another before hurrying over to Lifeline. "Hurry! Patch yourself up!" She exclaimed, tossing a med kit over to her. The box skidded across the dirt, towards her teammate. While patching up, a thought shot through Lifeline's mind. 'Weren't there three?..' she suddenly felt a gun's muzzle get pressed up to the back of her head. Air got caught in her throat, her body immediately tensing up. "Say hello to death for me," the voice behind her said. It was Wraith.. Wattson had gone on ahead to the nearby building, not aware that one of the enemies were still there. The sound of a gunshot rang through the air, making Lifeline jump. She waited for the pain, the darkness.. but nothing came. Lifeline opened her eyes and heard the sound of a body fall down behind her.

She turned around, eyes wide. Wraith had fallen.. beside her was a familiar friend, one that put a huge grin on Lifeline's face. "Octane!" She exclaimed, not expecting for him to save her. He grabbed her hand and helped her up. "Where the hell were you?! I didn't think you would come back!" Lifeline gave her best friend a huge hug, her smile never faltering. Her voice had that slightly worried tone to it, as if she was afraid he'd get badly hurt. Though, they all knew that anyone who died in the games would get revived again. "You think I would just leave my best friend to die? Don't be stupid, Hermana," He said. He didn't stay still even when hugging lifeline. Octane sure was a ball of energy.. "come on. We have to catch up to Wattson before we get shot out here!" The boy began to sprint towards the building where their teammate had set the electricity traps, leaving Lifeline to follow behind him. The dirt squished beneath their feet, leaving footsteps engraved in the earth. They both entered the small building, the smell of blood still in their noses. Wattson was there with a worried expression. "Oh you guys are alive! Thank goodness!" She gave them both a huge hug before locking eyes with Octane for a split second. Lifeline had noticed a small spark between them when they met eyes.. she couldn't help but feel a certain way deep down inside. What was it exactly.. jealousy, maybe? But why would she feel that way? She only thought of Octane as a friend, right? She shook her head slightly, clearing her thoughts. "Thanks again for saving me, Octane," she said, patting him on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it," He said looking back at her. Wattson brushed her golden bangs out of her eyes, watching the two. She liked how they were such good friends. Sometimes she wished she had that same connection with someone.. Wattson wasn't very good with people, yet she felt like she had a chance with a few of them.

But their little reunion didn't last long. The sound of something clacking against floor caught their attention. High pitches beeping rung in their ears as they realized what was happening. "Watch out, Grenade!" Lifeline yelled out. She realized that she wouldn't be able to escape in time, but she could rescue the others. The female shoved the other two out of the door and closing it behind them, leaving herself and the grenade in the room. Before Octane or Wattson could even say anything, the grenade exploded. The windows shattered and Lifeline got thrown against the wall, hitting her head quite hard. Shards of broken glass also got launched at her, cutting and slicing through her clothes and skin. Blood began to run down her body as she began to black out, her ears ringing. 'No.. you have to stay awake' Thankfully, Lifeline didn't get a limb blown off or a hole blown through her stomach. Still she struggled to stay conscious. "AJAY!" A voice called out. Who was it.. Octane?.. her thoughts were jumbled for she was starting to slip away. The girl's bullet wound hasn't been fully bandaged either, leaving blood spilling out of her body. Her head hit the floor as she saw the door open. Lifeline could see a pair of mechanical legs enter the small building and Wattson shooting away in the distance. For a legend that focused mostly on defense, she was a good fighter.. Lifeline admired her for that.. her eyes closed, and her consciousness slipped away.

(^o^ 920 words!~)

Love shots- (a Lifeline x Octane FF)Where stories live. Discover now