The strange box

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(Lifeline's POV)

I awoke in a hospital bed, my head pounding painfully. Where was I?.. the last place I remember being was.. oh, right. I got struck by the grenade. Sighing, I close my eyes. The blast and the sight of metal legs running toward me flashed through my mind. Octane must've brought me here to save me. "So you're finally awake, eh Chica?" I heard a voice say. My eyes opened again as I turned to the side with a slight smile on my face. Just hearing his voice made me feel happy inside. We were best friends after all.. and that's it. Shit, what am I thinking. Of course we are ONLY best friends. Neither of us shared any feelings towards each other.. or maybe I was just in denial. Love was so complicated, I could barely keep up with it. "Yeah, and I'm feeling better now!" I said, sitting up. My shoulder still ached a bit but overall, I felt good! "Thanks for saving me back there, Silva," Octane smiles, tapping his mechanical foot rapidly against the hard floor. "No need to thank me so many times, Ajay. Who would've thought that I would be the one saving you this time, eh?" He chuckled softly. "But don't worry about it too much, Hermana. Me and Wattson won the final game of the season! You should've been there to see us," Octane spoke proudly, keeping his head high. Though his words seemed to leave a certain mark on me.. my smile faded a little. Him and Wattson, huh. I turned away from him and looked at the dull grey wall. My hands clenched around the silky sheets underneath me, letting off a quiet wrinkling sound. I hated this feeling. This feeling of jealousy.. I shouldn't even be this way! Octane thinks of me as a friend and nothing else. I shouldn't be surprised. For a moment, all of the things we did together flooded into my head. All of the good times we had.. but now Octane's focus must be on Wattson. That stupid girl! What did they ever do together?! What good moments did they ever have?! I felt small tears well up in my eyes. Geez.. I was overreacting for a moment, wasn't I. I shouldn't be crying over something so small. Wiping away my tiny tears i look back at Octane. "Sorry I had to miss it.. I'll be there for the party though!" I said, hiding my bits of pain through my cheerful voice. Why am I even assuming that Octane like her? All they did was look at each other. It wasn't like it was a kiss or anything like that.. Octane's smile just grew wider. "Love to hear that, Ajay! I really enjoy having you around y'know, and don't be all jealous about me and Wattson hanging out," my eyes widened slightly. "I wasn't Jealous-" I started, but Octane interrupted me before I could finish. "You think I can't read your emotions? We've been friends for so long! As soon as I mentioned her you got all.. all gloomy! And you shouldn't be. You're my best friend. Remember that," he said boldly before walking out of the infirmary room. "I'll see you at the party." I had jumbled emotions for a moment. He had left so abruptly.. And for some reason I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he called me his 'best friend'. It's as if I wanted him to call me something along the lines of 'girlfriend'- no! I can't be thinking like that! Dragging my hands down my face, I let out a long groan. Damn it, Ajay! I flop back down on the bed and turn on my side, sighing. Octane really is running circles in my head. That's all I've been thinking about recently. In the corner of the room I suddenly spot something. A box.. a strange one.. I've never seen that kind before. Perhaps it was a new kind of drug. It looked opened, so someone clearly knew about it. Getting up, my head started to throb again. I walked towards the peculiar looking box, the sound of my footsteps echoing slightly through the room. A strand of my red hair fell in my face, which I quickly brushed away. Soon, I picked up the box and looked at what was inside. My eyes widened. How in the world did these get on our ship?..

(742 words, shorter than usual :( I'm sorry)

Love shots- (a Lifeline x Octane FF)Where stories live. Discover now