The gift

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[3rd pov]

Lifeline's eyes fluttered open. As she stared up at the ceiling, she dragged her hand across what she thought was the floor but realized it was her bed. Where was Octavios? The medic sat up, glancing around. Did he leave last night after she woke up? Lifeline wouldn't be surprised if he did. She sighed softly. He was probably out eating breakfast by now. Lifeline should get going too. She checked her watch before looking up and noticing a small note on her dresser. Che slid off of her warm, comfy bed to go red the note, strands of messy red hair falling in her face. Carefully picking up the note she began to read it. Thankfully Octavios didn't take the box that Loba gave her. Did she even want to give it to him?.. those thoughts began to cloud her mind again, making her lose track of what she was reading. Once she realized this, Lifeline dragged a hand down her face. "Come on, Ajay, stop thinking about that!" She growled softly to herself. Che began to read again.

"Good morning, Che! You're probably just waking up when you read this- you were basically knocked out cold last night! Can't believe you sleep so much, Chica. I couldn't imagine standing still for that long. Anyways, I'm meeting up with Mirage and Wattson today. Feel free to join us! We're just going to hang out somewhere nearby, I already told them you're coming since you promised me last night. And the movie was great! But it made me sit still for too long and I got sooo booored! Next time you choose a movie, make it only an hour at most. We're meeting up by the bar close by, see you there!

The handwriting was messy and looked like he had been rushing to write it. Lifeline simply rolled her eyes before stuffing the note into her pocket and heading to the bathroom to wash up. As she splashed cold water on her face, little droplets clung to the mirror. Che quickly patted her face dry and began to re-do her hair. Of course, she put her hair up in her signature twin buns before heading out of her dorm. The bar that Octane was going to hang out at also served as a cafe in the mornings, and sold coffee instead of alcohol. That was a good thing since she never really drank that sort of thing in the morning. Actually, she barely got to drink any unless it was at a season party. Their hiatus will end soon though, and a new legend will be introduced to them. That ought to be interesting, right?.. Lifeline was hopeful that this new person would be friendly and not such a trouble maker like Loba. She glanced back towards her dorm. The white box stood out against her full beige walls. The medic decided to go back and grab it before heading out once more. Bangalore was awake when Lifeline entered the main living space. She and Gibby where cleaning up from last night. Either they were cleaning for a long time, or there was barely any trash. Ajay didn't see any stains or trash around thankfully. She grabbed her white sweater from the couch and put it on as she left to head towards the Cafe. As she walked, she could feel the faint breeze brushing against her delicate face. It was soothing.. spending time with octane will probably make her faint afterwards. That ball of energy never knows when to stop. Lifeline clenched her jaw. Geez.. one day Ajay might not be able to pick Silva up. The thought saddened her, but she remembered that she is supposed to be happy. She's going to spend time with the other's after all- the least she could do is be happy to be there.

Octane was already at the cafe, waiting for the others. Geez they're always so slow! Though Wattson was with him, he wanted to see the others as well. She wasn't really his type to be honest.. too soft. He had always liked a little bit of feistiness in his girls and Wattson seemed too nice for that, Though she was a very pleasant friend. Octane checked his watch while sitting at the table. They should be here any minute now! He was getting so impatient. "Er- Octane? Is it okay if I ask you a small question?" He heard her say. Silva turned towards her with a smile. "Sure, ask me anything!" A small blush creeped up onto Watson's cheeks once they made eye contact. "I-is anyone else coming besides mirage? It's not like I don't want the others to come, though- I'm just curious," her gentle voice was a bit hard to hear over the loud chatter of the cafe. Usually she is so bright and enthusiastic, but around Octane she seems a bit shyer. It disappointed him, really. "Just Che. She should be here any minute, I don't know what's taking her so long." Just as he said that, Lifeline walked through through the door, glancing around before laying her soft brown eyes on Octane and Wattson. She smiled at them and they smiled back. Wattson wasn't disappointed that Ajay was here and quite liked having other people around, it's just that the thought of them dating made her a little sad.. The medic walked over and sat down next to Octane before holding the gift out to him. She still had a smile, but looked a bit nervous. Natalie tilted her head curiously. Octavios happily grabbed the gift, already beginning to open it. "So you're finally giving me this box, huh? What's the occasion?" Lifeline chuckled softly. "Well I thought it would be a nice gift for the upcoming season. I wasn't sure if you'd really like it so that's why I decided to give it to you today.. er- I hope you like it," she responded a bit hesitantly. Ajay was really about to do this.. this was illegal! She was basically going to drug her friend! She averted her gaze down at the table. "Wow!" He exclaimed. "Aren't these the special kinda that make me go 50 percent faster instead of just 30? Thank you so much, Che!" He wrapped an arm around her, closely inspecting the syringe. Lifeline sighed softly. Though they did make him go extra fast, they still had the love drug inside. She felt guilty for this.. but she tried to convince herself that it will be worth it.  "I'm.. I'm glad you like it, Silva," she murmured. Just then, Mirage burst through the door as well. He walked over, running a hand through his hair. "Sorry guys, handsome men need their beauty sleep y'know," Natalie giggled softly as Octane beckoned him to sit next to Wattson. Now they were all together, chatting happily and drinking coffee while enjoying the great food. Yet Lifeline still had that anxiety and guilt that stood over her like a shadow. Octane was rather clueless, but still felt those butterflies in his stomach when near Che. He was starting to catch on to these feelings slowly, questioning why he even feels this way in the first place. They sat next to each other, both thinking 'we are best friends and that's it.. but sometimes I want us to be more than that,'

(1230 words! I'm really sorry for the late chapter. I've been very tired lately and didn't really have the motivation. Thank you for all the support you guys have been giving me even if I only have 18 reads lmao ^^)

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