Romantic Temptation

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(Lifeline's POV)
I glanced up at Loba then back down at the Syringe. "..." I was speechless.. almost confused. Though I expected her to know about them, I didn't think she would be carrying them around. What surprised me even more is that she pulled out the drug in plain sight.. yes, people are distracted at the moment but someone could still spot them. I began to panic a little more, taking a step back. Why was I suddenly so scared.. I'm a medic! I should be fine around needles.. but maybe it's something else. Something I can't quite pinpoint. "You know.. these drugs can be dangerous if in the wrong hands.." I said a bit shakily. Was it that I was afraid of being used? Of being emotionally manipulated?.. This thought made me think about the things I did for Silva in the past. What if he just used me to get those legs? Or just uses me as some random person to stitch up his wounds from failed stunts? What if he doesn't even care about me at all.. Loba seemed to notice my anxious expression and simply tilted her head while smiling. "Yes, I am quite aware.. but not many people are going to be digging in the infirmary for some emotion twisting drug." Loba stated, taking another sip from her clear glass. "And if you are worried about getting drugged, just visit Crypto. As you should know, he's a surveillance expert. He probably knows if you've been drugged or not when you sleep," I felt a shiver run down my spine, like spiders running on my back.. as if their little hairy legs were digging into my skin.. "and don't bother reporting anything. It will only cause problems for who you love the most," Loba spun the syringe in her hand, as I noticed the red tone of the mostly clear liquid. 'Hate' was carved into the side.. she was threatening to turn others against me, wasn't she. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Loba noticed this and chuckled softly before taking a small box out of her bag. "And why don't you give this to Octavios for me, beautiful. I'm sure he'll Love it," I took the box hesitantly and opened it. The shining green stims were inside.. but it was also marked with a pink 'X'. The adrenaline must be mixed with the love drugs as well.. it was tempting, but I couldn't do it. Or could I? I didn't want to be like this, but for some reason the temptation was just pulling at my skin. "I can't.." I whispered softly. Loba's eyes narrowed. "Well of course you can, darling. He'll stay loyal to you, and you only. Don't think I haven't noticed your.. liking towards him," I clenched my teeth before just shutting the box and walking away. damn, she-devil.. Loba laughs before speaking again. "Have fun, beautiful," I ignored her. I knew she was trying to get me in trouble, but the temptation was overwhelming. Love can make you do irrational things, I see. Why am I even thing like this? I'm not some corrupt, manipulative bitch!.. a small sigh escaped me. I saw Octane in the corner of my eye as I considered leaving the party. I needed time to think.. all of this shit about the emotion syringes are making my head hurt.

(Octane's POV)

"You should've watched me get that final kill!" I exclaimed. "Headshot with a Peacekeeper! Blam, Blam!" I laughed aloud after imitating the gun noises. Wattson was now with me and Mirage. "You've done well, Octane," She complimented with her soft and kind voice. Her cheeks began to shift into a slightly pink tint. Mirage then spoke up. "Well I'm glad the Hiatus is finally here. as much as I love being in the games, having time to relax is nice," He took a swig from his beer bottle, the glass shimmering in the ship's light. I glanced to the side, noticing that Lifeline was near the exit. She seemed to be considering wether to leave or not, which she shouldn't because she promised to hang out with me more! And she has this cool looking box too.. perhaps she got it from Lobs. I'm still surprised she spoke with her. Che barely speaks to those types.. as I check my watch, my foot begins to tap on the floor again. She's been acting weird ever since the last game. Perhaps something happened with her head. Though there shouldn't be any lasting effects, so there should be another reason why she's acting odd.

I slip away from the small group with only Wattson noticing my leave. She didn't say anything though, but I could still see her disappointed expression through the corner of my eye. My pace speeds up as I watch Che begin to walk closer and closer towards the exit. "Che, where do you think you're going?" I called out in a desperate attempt to keep her at the party. She usually liked these social events.. Lifeline turned around to face me, a small smile appearing on her face. The white box was by her side. "Hey, Silva. What have you been up too?" She responded, her voice sweet as always. I finally got close to her again. "I feel like I should be asking you that one, chica. How was your talk with Loba? And what's with that white box?" She suddenly seemed to try to hide the box behind her. The medic's face becoming slightly nervous. "The chat with Loba went pretty well.. I haven't talked with her in a while." She hesitated for a moment. "And you might find out what's in this box later, but for now it's a secret," Lifeline chuckled softly, flicking be gently on the forehead. "Ah, come on Che! You know I hate waiting!" I responded, a frustrated tone in my voice. She simply laughed, patting my shoulder. "Well I guess you'll just have to deal with it for now. It's getting pretty late, and I should get going to bed. Besides, my head still hurts a little from earlier." I sighed, tapping my fingers on the nearby wall. "Fine. But promise me we'll meet up again tomorrow morning," I told her, my eyes narrowing. "Okay, deal." She said back to me, giving me one last hug. "Goodbye for now, Silva. Have fun with the rest of them," Che then exited the party, leaving me alone by the exit. I sighed softly before grabbing my drink and heading over to the others.

(1100 words today ^^ sorry this chapter is a little late)

Love shots- (a Lifeline x Octane FF)Where stories live. Discover now