Goodnight kiss

357 5 7

(3rd person POV)

Lifeline walked through the ship and to her room, her thoughts blocking out any noise other than the sound of her feet tapping against the floor. The box of stims dangled by her side in her clenched hand. She couldn't possibly do this.. Che didn't want to be seen as manipulative, but she wanted Octane to love her too.. or more than Wattson, at least. Her teeth clenched as soon as she got into her room, tossing the stim box onto her cushioned bed. Why was she even feeling this way around him? Every time he got close to her, she could feel her heart beat faster against her ribs and her cheeks heat up. Butterflies would always fill her stomach as well.. and she tried her best to stay as the 'best friend' type for Che was afraid of what would happen if she suddenly confessed. Lifeline didn't want her jumbled up emotions to get in the way of a good relationship. Well.. a seemingly good relationship. It was good ignoring the fact that he manipulated her into getting him legs, and used her to get many favors. Perhaps he knew that Che liked him.. because for a while, Lifeline has been very close to her and made it EXTREMELY clear that she cared about him. Maybe he was emotionally manipulating her or just too stupid to realize it. The medic wanted to believe that he cared about her also.. She slumped down by the foot of her bed. Maybe it was hopeless.

Suddenly she heard footsteps approaching. They were slight springy and had sort of a fast pace. Che has some idea of who it could be, but wasn't quite sure. She looked towards her doorframe only to see Octane's head pop in. Upon seeing her, he shrank back slightly. "Oh!- Che, you're still awake-" he chuckled awkwardly. It was getting a bit late. The party had just ended and Octane was just heading back to his dorm. Though he wanted to see how Lifeline was doing.. but he lowkey wanted to take that box from her to see what was inside. Lifeline smiled a little, her lips pressing together. "I thought you were going to bed, already," Octane continued, rubbing the back of his head. "Is it okay if I hang out here for a little bit? The others are already going to bed," Lifeline's small smile faded a little. So she's last choice, huh.. though if she looked closely, she could spot a faint blush on his cheeks as if he was embarrassed. It couldn't have been from the alcohol since he hasn't drink any. Lifeline hesitated for a moment but then responded with a smile. "Sure. We can watch a movie or something, if you want to," She beckoned his over while tilting her head slightly. On one side of her room was a small T.V. the medic didn't watch much television by herself but watching a movie with Octane might be fun. Besides, she wants to spend more time with him despite her paranoid thoughts about being used. Octane jogged over, his mechanical legs giving off a slight springing sound. Che grabbed the remote  and started scrolling through Netflix as Octavios day next to her, his legs still bouncing a little.

"Do you have anything in particular that you would like to watch," Lifeline asked, clicking the buttons lightly on the remote. Octane thought for a moment before responding in a quite enthusiastic voice. "How about an action movie? But nothing over an hour and fourty-five minutes because i would get too bored," she giggled softly before selecting a movie not long after. It was a movie neither of them had watched together before but they were eager to see what it was about. Surprises can be fun, can't they? As the movie went on they began to gradually scoot closer and closer together until their shoulders were squished right up against each other. By now, Che's cheeks were a soft pink tint. Being so close to him made her heart pound faster against her ribs, and oddly, Octane started to feel the same sort of feeling. The strange butterflies, the rush of his heart.. though he blamed it on his adrenaline levels rising due to such an exciting movie. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder as she leaned into him. She began to yawn, sinking deeper into the warmth of his body. It was strange really.. how quickly she became so lovey dovey after having several thoughts about being used. Perhaps she was being too soft.. but sometimes lies are easier to look at than the truth. Che started to feel her eyelids getting heavy. Octane however, wasn't sleepy yet, though he could tell that Lifeline was starting to fall asleep. It was near the credits when Lifeline began to fully doze off, leaning her head on Silva. Octane smiled softly, his cheeks heating up slightly as he looked down at her. Lifeline looked so peaceful like this, her chest rising and falling steadily. A few strands of hair poked out of her messy red buns and Octane leaned in and gave her a small, gentle kiss on the head. Lifeline couldn't comprehend what just happened, before completely falling asleep. Octane still felt that butterfly feeling in his stomach. It was odd.. he never felt this way often. After all, his focus was mainly on doing death defying stunts in the apex games!.. not romance. Still, this feeling felt strangely nice.

(Shorter than usual at 920 words :/ sorry for the late chapter everyone. I haven't been sleeping very well lol) 

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