Drinks and Love Shots

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(3rd person P.O.V, Lifeline focus)

Lifeline looked at what was in her hands. A shiny syringe full of clear liquid with a slight pink tint. On the side it was labeled 'love'. They were emotion syringes, a type of drug that could make anyone feel an artificial kind of emotion for a certain amount of time depending on the dose. Someone had to know about these.. the box was opened already, after all! In fact, Lifeline wondered who could've even put these here. This kind of drug is illegal and everyone might get in big trouble if the authorities found out about this (especially Lifeline)! The medic could feel her heart beat faster the longer she looked at them. Certain thoughts began to invade her mind.. like using them on her friends. Lifeline stuffed the syringes back into the box before shoving them into the corner. For a moment, she panicked a little. What if someone used them on the others? What if someone used them on her?!

She jogged to the bathroom, where a closet was located. Lifeline hurriedly splashed some cold water on her face, shutting her eyes tightly. 'I should just.. not think about it for now. Perhaps I could ask someone about it,'' the medic thought to herself. Still, the thought of those syringes bothered her. Remembering about the party, Lifeline decided to get dressed and ready. This little gathering could be a good opportunity to ask about this drug. But who would know about it?.. Loba, maybe. She did some illegal stuff, didn't she? Surely she would know about this. She began to redo her signature buns, tying the red strands up neatly. Lifeline looked in the closet. There wasn't much.. but she would do with what she had. She hoped that her outfit wouldn't turn out too horrible. Maybe Octavios would compliment her on it.. her cheeks faded into a reddish hue. The girl only noticed a few moments later, letting out a slightly frustrated groan. Why can't she keep her mind off him?..

(Octane focus)

He stood by a table, not being able to keep still. Octane wouldn't be able to sit.. everyone knew that he can't stay in one place for more than a few minutes. "Geez, where is that girl?" The daredevil murmured to himself while rapidly tapping his mechanical foot against the hard ground. Thump, thump, thump.. the party hasn't even started yet but still. He wanted to see Lifeline there to celebrate with him. Wattson was to the side speaking with Caustic. Octane checked his watch impatiently, his foot tapping only getting faster. He hated waiting! Waiting for anything, really. Silva knew that lifeline had been hurt but she was pretty much alright when he last saw her! Just as he looked up from his watch, he spotted Lifeline in a stunning dress. She wore a simple and skinny red dress with sparkles near the bottom, as well as a red sweater to cover her arms. The sweater was a lighter tone however and was made of a different material than the dress. "You're finally here, Chica!" Octane exclaimed, hurrying over to her. "I've been waiting for soo looooong!" Lifeline simply rolled her eyes at her best friend's words. "Calm down, Silva- the party just started," she was right. The drinks were just now starting to be served and the last people had finally arrived, including Loba. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "So come on! Enjoy the party with me!" A big smile was stretched across his face, though it was covered by the mask he wore. They both made it over to a big table, where several others hung out at. Lifeline rested one of her arms on the clean and shiny tabletop, her dark skin looking clean and free of any blemishes. Octane grabbed a Red Bull instead of alcohol. Alcohol tends to slow him down, which he hates of course. "Well you're looking good tonight, Chica," he said, complimenting her. Lifeline blushed slightly at his comment. "It's just a simple dress I found in my closet, nothing too special " she said, trying the fact that she was flustered just from a simple compliment. The medic spotted Loba in the corner of her eye. She ought to go talk to her soon. Though, Ajay would love to just hang out with Octane all night. Lifeline also spotted Wattson hanging out with Caustic. Those two really have some sort of connection.. it's like a little father-and-daughter type relationship. Cute. Mirage was chatting away with Wraith- well more like AT her. Wraith wasn't talking very much, as expected. She tended to keep to herself but made a great buddy for Mirage since he loved talking so much. He doesn't get awkward by the silence and just keeps on running his mouth while Wraith just listens. Soon, Lifeline's mind began to wander back to those emotion syringes. Anyone could have been secretly drugged.. the thought bothered her so much.. she began to pick at her lip nervously. What if Octane has been affected by one of the Love shots, or what if someone drugged Lifeline?! Though, her thoughts were interrupted by Octane. "Che, are you listening?" He shoved her shoulder gently, snapping her out of her paranoid thoughts. He must've been talking about some random thing.."You look on edge.. is everything alright?" The medic simply nodded before looking back at him with soft eyes. All she wanted was to be a good person.. she wanted was for people to be safe and happy, Octavios especially.

He put his drink to the side before putting a hand on her shoulder. "You know you can tell me anything, right, Chica? C'mon we've been friends since we were little," Lifeline smiled at how much he seemed to care. Though.. he seemed a little off. Silva was all of a sudden being so thoughtful of how Lifeline was feeling. Octane didn't feel any different. If he was confronted about it he would just say he's being nice. Though, he is a good friend, Octavios never seemed to care a lot about anyone other than himself. Lifeline could have been just paranoid, but this just fed her anxiety even more. "I.. I'm fine, Silva. I'm going to go speak with Loba for a little bit. I'll be sure to talk to you again after I'm done speaking with her, though," she said before hurrying off to the other side of the table to where Loba was. Octane tilted his head at Lifeline. How unusual.. when did she ever talk to someone like Loba? Though, he didn't dwell on it for too long before walking over to Mirage. They were pretty casual with each other, and actually talked quite a bit. The two (Octane and Lifeline) had began to think more and more about each other recently. Perhaps he should visit her after this party is over as well.. yeah.. sounds like a good idea.

Lifeline walked up to Loba. "Hey.. Loba." She said, hesitating slightly. She turned towards her with a sly smile, a glass of champagne in her hands. The female wore an elegant white dress with beautiful gold lacing. "Hello, Lifeline. Nice to see you all healed up after your last match," she said, taking a quick shot. She seemed to handle alcohol quite well. Lifeline smiled politely. " and I'm glad to be healthy again," she paused for a moment. "But I need to ask you something.. do you know what emotion syringes are?" Loba chuckled softly, reaching into a bag by her side. She pulled out a syringe full of clear, bubbly liquid. "You mean these shiny things?" the woman smiled as Lifeline's eyes widened slightly. So Loba did know.. But why did she need them?

(1270 worrrrdssss ><) to be continued..

Love shots- (a Lifeline x Octane FF)Where stories live. Discover now