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It all started when my parents decided to move from California to Australia. They were pretty much those hippie type couples that loved to travel the world and explore. I guess Australia was one of the places they always wanted to go so when my parents found out my mom was pregnant with me they started making plans. About 8 months later they found jobs and a house and flew out to Aussie.
They quickly made good friends with the neighbors (the Hoods) and found out that they too were going to have a baby around the same time. Turns out Mrs. Hood had her baby Calum just five days before mom had me. Practically since the day I was born we spent all of our time together. Mom had to go to work only a couple weeks
after she had me, leaving Mrs. Hood to watch me, although she always said it was okay because I was a "perfect angel" compared to Calum.
Me and Cal became bestfriends instantly. I also got really close to his family since I spent more time at their house than my own. We did everything together, went to the same school, hung out with the same people, loved the same stuff. Kids always questioned if we were a couple, especially the older we got, but we never looked at each other that way. (even though we got "married" when we were five)
I was the first one he went to when he had problems and he was the first one I went to when I was sad or frustrated with my parents. Were two peas in a pod; not letting anyone in our tiny group. Well that was until one familiar face started to hang around us more...

// sorry if it was a bit boring. this is basically the back story. it'll get better I promise !

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