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Finally my last class of the day was let out. I walked over to my locker to see Calum waiting for me there like he usually did.
"What took so long!?" He asked giving me a crazy look as I put my stuff in my locker and slung my backpack over my shoulder.
"Is Michael still coming over today?" I asked not really answering his question.
"Yea we'll meet him out front"
Sure enough as soon as we walked out of the doors there he was. We walked and talked a lot on the way home. Well it was mostly them talking about either music or video games.
Finally we got to Calum's house. Me and Cal immediately went to the couch and turned on the tv. I rested my head on his lap while he flipped through the channels.
"Are you guys like, related or something?" Michael asked looking at us. I looked up at Calum and smiled.
"Nah we're just bestfreinds" Calum said . I couldn't help but smile cause he didn't say that to often.
The rest of the night consisted of us eating, pissing off the neighbors, and-it sounds girly but- telling secrets. Ever since that night we became the three musketeers. Michael didn't care how weird I was i front of him and thats what I liked about him. He was just as weird and crazy as me and Cal were.

A couple weeks later it was just a normal school day. I was in my science class zoning out when my teacher literally snapped me out of my day dream and told me we were doing a lab with seat partners. I didn't even realize I had a seat partner because they were so quiet but when I looked over I saw the one and only blonde floppy haired Luke.
"Ummm do you know what we're doing?" I asked, having no idea what the lesson was even about.
He chuckled and nodded "yea we just mix all these in a certain way so they don't blow up" he said in a sort of quiet voice. I started laughing at his joke even though it wasn't even really a joke. He looked up and gave me a huge smile once he heard me laugh and the rest of the period he wasn't as shy.
He was actually super dorky and that's what made him funny. When class ended and everyone started packing up. I turned to him and asked, "Hey are you doing anything after school tomorrow?"
"Uhhh no I don't think so. Why?" He said not looking up from his books he was putting away.
"Maybe we can hang out?" I said looking at him. His head shot up and his eyes went wide as they looked at me. "No no no. Not like a date!" I said laughing "you can come over and hang out with me Calum and Michael."
"Oohh" he said blushing cause he was a little embarrassed " I would but me and Michael kinda hate each other."
I rolled my eyes remembering how he told me he hated him cause they dated the same girl. "Oh come on! I know you guys will like each other once you get to know each other. You have so much in common!"
"Ehhh I don't know..." be said looking down again.
"Plleeaasseeeee" I dragged out.
"Fine. but you better not leave me alone with him!" He said holding up his pinky.
" I promise I won't" I said smiling and hooking pinkys.

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