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Later that day me Michael and Cal were watching movies at Calums house laying on the couch, like usual, and basically doing nothing. I kept thinking about how Mikey would react to me inviting Luke over tomorrow. He literally hated his guts. I knew Calum wouldn't really care although he's not to fond of Luke either, but that's just because Michael doesn't like him. Once Michael stood up and announced he was going to the bathroom, I took that opportunity to talk to Calum about it.
As soon as Michael disappeared down the hall I turned to Calum sitting cross cross apple sauce and opened my mouth but closed it right away because I actually had no idea what I was going to say. He turned his head to me, raising his eyebrows and puckering his lips like he did when ever he was curious, "You okay?" He questioned. I thought about how I was going to say it before I  nodded, "yea yea it's just that I kinda did something that Michael won't be very excited about." I said giving him a sheepish smile.
He gave me the 'are you serious' look while copying how I was sitting so he was fully turned toward me "What did you do?" He asked switching between looking at each of my eyes.
I chuckled glancing down before looking back up to him, " I invited Luke Hemmings to hang out with us after school tomorrow " I said rather quickly not making eye contact with him. I heard him sigh which made me look back up to him.
"And why would you do that?" He asked being calmer about it than I thought.
"Well I had to do a lab with him for science and he's actually really cool and he kinda reminds me of you guys..." I paused to see his reaction but all he did was nod for me to go on "so I guess we kinda just hit it off and now he's coming over yay!" I said clapping my hands lightly obviously trying to lighten the mood. Calum just shook his head and smiled for some reason, then his expression went serious, "Do you like him?" he asked looking in my eyes.
"What? No! I mean I like him, but not like that. I just thought it would be fun
to hang out." I said kind of confused.
"Oh," he said looking at his lap then back at me, his expression going back to normal "Well Michaels gunna flip" he stated "but I don't see why I should hate him." I raised my eyebrow smirking at him "Were you jealous?" I asked teasingly. He rolled his eyes, "Pssshh no I-" just then, Michael walked out of the hallway and sat in his usual spot. He looked over to us and gave us a weird look because we were probably eyeing him "What did you guys do?" He asked looking kinda of scared. I glanced to Calum before looking at Michael again, "Ummm we were just talking about what we were going to do after school tomorrow" I said smiling lightly.
"Don't even try lying to me, I know that face means you're hiding something!" He said loudly pointing a finger right at my face. I sighed and looked over to Calum once again to see him already looking at me with a smirk.
"Fine. I invited Luke Hemmings to hang out with us after school" I said nonchalantly looking Michael right in the eyes. His eyes immediately went wide giving me a displeased look.
"What?! Why would you do that, you know I hate him!" He said sitting at the edge of his chair practically yelling but I knew he wasn't actually mad. I just rolled my eyes, "Michael you don't even know him."
"And you do? Since when do you talk to him?" He asked, crossing his arms and giving me a sassy look that I honestly couldn't take seriously "Since today. And he's really cool. Can you just try to get to know him..." I said smiling a little. His eyes flicked down to the floor then back at me but kept his sassy position "pleeaassee" I said pouting. He looked at me then to Cal and then back to me staying silent for a minute before letting out a puff, "Fine. but I'm leaving if he starts to annoy me."
I smiled widely at him which made him have to smile back at me. He was always a sucker when I kissed up to him.
I didn't know why I actually wanted Luke to come over so bad. It definitely wasn't because I liked him or anything although I did think he was cute, but in a dorky funny way. He was just too much like Calum and Michael and I found it kinda weird because he didn't hang out with them at all.

// Calums turning 19 in like 30 minutes where I live    Whoa :(

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