Chapter 5

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*alarm ringing*

There is a bright sun outside today, I feel it's going to be a good day.

*Nia calling*

"Hello Morning Lisa, you have an interview schedules today and then in the evening you have a meeting with the head of the Indian branch"
"Morning Nia, got it."

I get dressed do a very light makeup and head out to The Sky Plaza. Nia was already there with my set of questions.

*Unkown Caller*

"Hello, who is this ?"
"Hi, I am your blind date for today, my name is Zedd, I just wanted to ask one thing, are you THE Lisa of Bubble Tea Factory?"
"Hi and yes I am that Lisa"
"Oh Kay then I have a surprise for you, see you."
"Huh, okay"

Why are these dates with strange people, who plans a surprise the first time they are meeting people.

"Hi Lisa, your room is in the second floor, and here are the questions they will ask you."
"Why are they asking questions about my love life , although I don't have any love life?"
"I'll tell them to remove it." Nia runs out the room towards the interview area.

The makeup artist touches up my makeup and makes a small talk.

"Are you done Lisa?" Nia asks
"Ya, let's go"

"Hi, Lisa I'll be taking your interview today. My name is Zedd." He smiles while telling me this.

Right now I am in utter shock. This app knows my schedule or someone has hacked me. I can't even open my mouth to say hi.

"Huh, what ?"
"How's the surprise? I was in a shock when I came to know about the date was schedules with the person I was interviewing"
"Let's start the interview"

"Good morning everyone, Hope you all are doing well. This is Zedd your anchor and interviewer, today we have a very special guest with us, the women who paved way for other women to reach new heights,The entrepreneur of the year, it is Ms. Lisa. How are you doing today Ms. Lisa"
"Good morning everyone, and Hi Zedd. I'm am doing well and how are you all doing?"
"Starting with the interview, our first question today is, To what do you owe your success?"

"The answer to this is very long, because it is not only one person or a thing that I owe my success to, firstly I would only thank my mom, she stood by all decisions of mine, since my dad passed away when I was a kid I have seen her work hard as a single parent and an alone women she raised me by giving me everything that's best and never let me feel the deficiency of any thing, secondly I"d say discipline, Discipline is a very important factor, then I have my best friend who has helped out through all thinks and thinks especially I lost my mother and lastly it's you people , my dear consumers who have helped me move from zero to a long way."

"Wow, that was the most honest answer I have heard, moving on to our second question, what is the one lesson you want the budding and young entrepreneurs to know or learn in this moving market?"

"The only thing I would love to tell them is 'Believe in Yourself' because when you do that nothing else can stop you."

"With this we come to an end of the formal interview, a lot of your fans Ms. Lisa have asked about your love life, and are eagerly waiting for answers, what do you have to tell them?"
"Well all these years I was so busy in reaching my goals that I have no time for relationships. Anyways thank you so much for having me here today."
"Thank you Ms. Lisa"

"Nia, Nia, why didn't you tell them to remove questions about all this dating and stuff? I hate questions like these when an interview is being done."
"Lisa I did tell them to remove it but you handled it pretty well, didn't you?"

*knock knock*

"Come in."

"Hey blind date, are you ready?"

I look up to see Zedd standing by the door and the only thing I don't want right now is a date.

"Ummm about that, I don't want to go Ina date with you, because you see you were my interviewer just now and if anyone clicks a picture of the same and uploads it, it will not look nice to both our images, so I can't proceed with this date any further. I hope you understand."

"Uhhh, Ms. Lisa I was kind of looking forward to this date, but what you told also makes sense anyways it was good meeting you. Bye."

Zedd looked pretty disappointed when I told him that I didn't want to go out on a date and honestly I felt bad for but what could I do,I did not have any other choice.

"Wait Zedd, why don't the both of you order in the food here, I'll stand outside and get the food, how does that sound?"
"Zedd looks at me unsure of what to answer, Nia always does make things awkward for me, but I guess this is a nice idea.

"We can do that, if you are comfortable with it Zedd. Is it fine by you?"
"I have no problem with it at all, what do you want to eat and Nia you can join us too."

"Uh if I sit with you who will get the food, and anyways you both had a date not me."

Zedd comes inside and sits on the chair next to the balcony, now that I see the room is very beautiful, I had not noticed this since the time I came in. It was a beautiful pastel pink room with antiques all around, something I would prefer in a cozy home. While noticin the room I realise that I need to sometimes stop and actually admire the beautiful things that I am surrounded with, I was always so busy that I never got time to appreciate anything.

"Ahem ahem, where are you lost, Ms. Lisa?"
"Zedd this is a date so just call me by my first name don't put Ms. and all to it, please."
"Sure, Lisa"

"So can I ask you something?"
"Are you going to interview me now as well."
"No just questions to get to know each other, like what's your favourite animal?"
"Ohh okay, my favourite animal is a dog and it because of their loyalty and cute little paws. Now my turn what is you favourite animal Zedd?"
"Well, I love cats and I don't have a particular reason for the same."
"Okay beige we start the interview let's order or else Nia will be left standing outside with a sore feet. So what will you have? I will have chicken steak and red wine."

I look up at him and I notice that he has a very nice jawline and pretty nice lashes, why does god give use women so bad lashes.
"Are you done staring Lisa? If yes then I'll have the same thing as you but with peach wine."
"I wasn't staring I was just thinking about how god is so unfair with us girls, he gives you guys very pretty lashes and us girls headache of which mascara to buy."
"Many people have complimented my lashes before, gods gift I guess."

We both order our food and ask a lot about our likes and dislikes, I didn't know that guys believed in unicorns as well, and that he loved cooking. After a while our food arrived and the only thing I felt happening between me and Zedd was a very nice bond and I guess I prefer him as a friend more than a partner, he has a very good humour and he is very funny.

"It was nice getting to know you Lisa."
"Same here Zedd and I would love to be friends with you, anyways let's meet up someday. Bye."

I had a very silent ride back home. I just felt happy and content today.

As I reach my front door I see someone moving inside my house and for some reason instead of calling for help I act brave and go inside with the only weapon in my hand that is a purse. I walk in silently so that I don't attract the attention of the burglar.

"Lisa it's me Noah, chill, it hurts stop hitting me."
"Who told you to sneak in my house than without even calling me once?"
"You think I need permission to get inside your house and then you tell I don't have a lot of time, I guess I should leave then."
"Stop with the emotional drama Noah, you shouldn't have been an artist you should have been an actor with skills like this, anyways what time did you get here?"
"Before 5 minutes and how was your date, Nia told me about Zedd? Did you kiss?"
"Not everyone is like you Noah, and I guess me and Zedd are better off as friends than partners, anyways forget the date, did you eat or should I make something for you?"
"I just want some beer and popcorn if you can make that, let's watch the new  Keanu Reeves movie, I didn't watch it because I was waiting for you."

"Okay let me change and come, then I'll get the beer and popcorn  and then we can peacefully watch the movie. Okay??"

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