Shaylas POV:
the next day we got to leave the hospital. we spent the night there just incase something happened. we left the hospital and drove home. we drove past a couple restaurants. I felt hungry.
"can we get some Taco Bell?" I ask my mom.
"sure" she said
we pulled into the parking lot on our right. then into drive through.
"what do you want?" she asks
"ummm.. I'll have 2 crunchy supreme tacos. 1 bean burrito and a Baja blast soda."
we pull up to the speaker and my mom told the lady my order
"4.92" the cashier says.
we pull up to the window and hand her 5 bucks. she hands us our food and drink. we drive off to our house.
we pull into our drive way. i take my Taco Bell and go inside after my mom. I go upstairs to my room and sit on my bed. set my Baja blast on my night stand. grab my tv remote and turn on TeenNick and watch drake and josh. I open my bag and pull out my tacos and burrito. I start with my tacos. I take a couple bites and my phone goes off.
*text message*
Jaylen : "hey I heard about your dad and you at the hospital! what happened?!?! call me!!"
I call her and we talk. I told her everything that happened.
"hold on," jaylen says "sorry. someone's at the door. I'll be right back"
she sets the phone down. I can hear talking in the back.
"OH MY GOD!!" she screams into the phone "you'll never guess who's at my house!"
"who??" I ask
"n-n-nash fucking grier!" she stutters.
"SERIOUSLY?!" I say pretending to be happy for her and excited.
"comeover! I know you used to be like his biggest fan! you need to meet him!!!" she yells.
"alright I'm coming!" I hung up. I finished all my Taco Bell while telling her the story. I get up off my bed. Run into my closet and take off my shirt from yesterday and put on my Pink (Victoria's secret) sweatshirt, my moms old, grey sweats, and slip on my chestnut, bailey bow uggs. I put my fingers through my long, wavy, light brown hair and I walk down stairs.
"can you take me over to jaylens?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen where she is.
"fineeee..." she groans.
we go out the front door and lock it. we walk to the car and get in. she lives almost across town. it takes like 15 minutes to get there.
Nash's POV:
I just got to California. i met up with cameron at the airport and he took me to the apartment we are gonna live in. I checked the place out and put my suitcases in my room. cam already picked out his room so I didn't have a choice. after that we went to his friend blake's house. we're gonna hang out there for a while. we get there and me and cam ring the doorbell. a girl ,who's about 15, answers the door. she starts screaming. then I see ,who I suppose is Blake, walking down the stairs.
"hey man!" cam says
"hey." Blake says back.
"hi I'm nash" I introduce myself.
"hey I'm Blake." he says "come in guys!"
I hear that girl from earlier screaming.
"sorry about her. that's my sister jaylen." Blake apologizes.
"oh it's alright. I'm used to it." I say back.
Shayla's POV:
I text jaylen that I'm here. I start walking toward the door and ring the door bell.
" I'll get it." I hear an unfamiliar voice say from inside. the door opens and I look up to see nash. his eyes are even brighter in person. everything is brighter in person on him. he flashes a smile as I stare at him.
"hi I'm nash!" he says.
"h-hi. I-I'm.. uh.." I couldn't focus. I forgot how amazing I thought he was. "I'm.. shay." I looked away at my moms car. I waved so she could leave.
Nash's POV:
I open the door. and see this beautiful girl look up at me. the prettiest brown eyes I've ever seen. she smiles and she wouldn't take her eyes of mine. I introduce myself. she had trouble. damn she was beautiful
"hey shay." I hear jaylen say behind me. shay's long wavy hair flowed perfectly down her back as she walks in and gives jaylen a hug.
damn her body. she had a nice ass, thick thighs and was skinny in the waist too. perfect body. she was... absolutely gorgeous.
Shayla's POV:
nash shuts the door behind me. I see Blake sitting on the couch. it's awkward. especially cause of that nash thing just a couple seconds ago when I couldn't even remember my name. ugh. I'm so embarrassing.
❤️ NASH IS IN! ❤️ I DIDNT GET AS MANY READS ON CHAP 5! WHY??😭 anyway I'm excited about this chapter!💜💜💜 how'd you guys like it? comment, vote, read!😘😘 ily

The Next Chapter ( Nash Grier FanFic )
FanfictionCalifornia girl - Shayla Davis - goes to Alexander Hamilton High in So-Cal. She has the perfect boyfriend and a perfect life. Everything's all well, until her parents get into a divorce and her dad gets arrested. That's when it all goes bad. "Bigger...