18.Quotes (English Version)

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1.Maturnity is not depends your age but it depends with your reaction when face problem.

2.Relationship is about give and take but when each one just give or take it's relationship between giver and beggar.

3.Never ignore someone who truly love you and give attention with someone not love you.It's like you chase a rock and lose a diamond.

4.Find smart people is easier than find honest people.

5.Limitation is only perception from society.

6.Your world never stop when you're fail but your world will stop when you're stop try.

7.Perfection is nothing,love your imperfection and embrace it

8.Compare yourself is like compare two different flowers like rose and lily .Some people said lily better than rose and another people said rose better than lily but actually everyone have different taste about something. You're still beautiful no matter who you are .

Thanks for reading my story

Hope you enjoy and always have a great day.

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