11.Perfection is a liar(English Version)

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Did you ever tried so hard to be perfect,cross your limit and tried to be somebody else

Did you ever force yourself to do something even though you don't like to do it

Did you ever tried so hard to change your personality,your body and your style just to make others envy with you

Realize that

Perfection is comes from your mind,grow to be your desire and spread to your society

Try to be perfect just killing yourself slowly you might lose so many opportunity,experience and forget who you really are because you change yourself to be somebody else, you follow others expectation to get your happiness,but that's not happiness.You are only happy in outside but in inside you,you kill yourself slowly.You try to be somebody else,follow others expectation and follow your ego

Stop to obsessed to be perfect because life is journey not destination

"To get happiness is not mean to be perfect but happiness is can do anything you wanna do without follow others expectation".

"You might be able to change your body, your style or your face but you will never be able to change your mind into someone else"

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