14.Real Friend vs Fake Friend (English Ver)

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Friendship refers to a kind of relationship between different individuals who care for one another and freely share both positive and bad news. Friendship is usually based and maintained on honesty, trustworthiness, loyalty, compromise, and unconditional favor among others.

A friendship is a type of relationship in which you and another person (commonly of the same sex and same age but definitely not always) have similar interests and enjoy spending time together. You support each other when things happen and share the most important events of your life with them.

Sometimes in friendship relationship we don't realize we are in toxic relationship.we think that what our friends tell about us is the best advice for us but actually isn't forever is the best for us sometimes they give advice isn't make you improve yourself but can discourage yourself.like when you tell with your friends "I wanna join for dance competition" and your friends said "I don't think you shouldn't join because i don't want you be disappointed"
Notice that you think that's sentence contains love,afection,care and try to protect you but actually this sentence make you down,build your self-doubt and insecure with yourself

So,these are 10 difference between real friend vs fake friend

1.Real friend accept everything about you but fake friend want to change you

2.Real friend happy for your success but fake friend jealous with your success

3.Real friend always by your side even in bad times but fake friend only comes in good times

4.Real friend make you feel happier and more alive but fake friend drained and stressed

5.Real friend forgive you but fake friend blame you

6.Real friend allow you to have other friendship but fake friend jealous and posessive with you

7.Real friend always listen your problem but fake friend always talk about themselves

8.Real friend encourage you to pursue your dream but fake friend discourage you

9.Real friend never gossip about you but fake friend gossip about you

10.Real friend tell you if you are wrong but fake friend ignore you if you are wrong

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