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seokjin had then just came home from work, he was more tired than usual after the extra busy day he had. or maybe it was because his mind was still clouded with memories of hoseok and the distressed look he had.

he was worried for his friend, it just seems like at random times the usual sunny and happy boy would become sad and gloomy. and every time hoseok would talk about it, it would all be because of one person, yoongi.

he didn't want to look down on yoongi because he knows that yoongi wouldn't purposely hurt hoseok. he knows how much yoongi loves him and how much he cares. but it always seemed that yoongi prided his work over the love of his life. how he'd spend long night hours in the studio, writing music or making beats. those same hours he could be with his boyfriend holding him.

it all seemed odd to seokjin and he knew he wouldn't be able to get rest until he talked to hoseok. he was stepping out of the shower when he heard a knock on the door. he quickly dried off and threw on his night clothes. he stepped out of the bathroom, feeling the breeze of the air conditioner hit his exposed legs.

he swung the door open and was met with person he's been meaning to call all day. hoseok stood at the door with tear stained cheeks and beet red eyes. seokjin's mouth was agape as he looked at the younger. he immediately wrapped his arms around hoseok and pulled him in. hoseok's muffled cries were heard all through out the apartment as he hugged tightly on to the older.

seokjin didn't say anything, he just let the younger cry in his arms. he didn't want to speak up and end up making things worse. so they sat there, on the couch, with hoseok in his arms and seokjin running his fingers through the boys brunette locks. the sniffles died down a little bit before hoseok looked up at him and wiped his tears away.

"w-we were eating breakfast together and he g-got a message and left. he kept telling me it was a work emergency but i don't know. he hasn't came home yet and- " hoseok explains before breaking out into another sob. his vision was blurred and he couldn't see anything over his tears.

"hey, hey, breathe, now explain again." seokjin said looking the younger in his eyes and wiping the tears using the pads of his thumbs. hoseok nodded and breathed in trying to calm his raging nerves.

"we were both eating breakfast. it was calm and comfortable but then he randomly got a message, i went to pick up the phone and read it but he snatched it before i could get to it. when he read the message he just got up and kept saying he had to go and that it was an emergency. he hasn't came home since and i'm worried but i'm also mad. he wouldn't let me see the message. what if he is cheating on me, seokjin, please tell me what to do."

seokjin sighed and look down. he knew this pain hoseok was feeling all to well. he knows the look in his eyes, he went through it before. he also wanted to suggest that he should leave yoongi but he knows that's the last thing hoseok would do.

"i don't know hobi, i know you probably don't want to hear this but i think it's best if you either force him to talk or leave him." seokjin says looking at the boy who was trembling now. seokjin felt bad for the younger. for the past 5 years, soon to be 6, hoseok had been coming to him about yoongi and his endless hole of secrets.

it's like at random times he would just leave. he wouldn't be gone for too long, just about a day and then comes back begging for hoseok's forgiveness. hoseok being in love with the man didn't want to let him go, no matter how much hurt and pain he went through.

if it's a good time, he would end up gone for at least maybe once a month, if it's just like now, he would be gone for at least 7-9 days out of the month. hoseok would try to brush it off but with their 6 year anniversary coming up in just two months and a half he was worried.

"i-i can't leave him jin. i don't want to. if i do leave him i feel like i'll just circle back into depression again. i don't want that to happen." hoseok sighs feeling more and more terrible about this. he was so reluctant on coming there in the first place, knowing that seokjin was so happy and content before he came there and ruined it with his problems.

he was going to call jimin but he was busy, he didn't like ruining anybody's happiness with his problems but he really needed this. he needed someone to console him when he couldn't go to his boyfriend about problems with his boyfriend.

"hobi, i know you love him, i know it's hard to just leave everything that you both had together. maybe just take a break from each other. go find yourself first, you've been sharing your heart with him for 5 years now, take sometime for yourself and let your heart be your own and if you feel like you can go back to him then do it."

seokjin pulled the younger into his arms and hugged his shaking body. he drew small circles on his back as hoseok cried more and more. leaving yoongi felt worse then having him gone for a day. but maybe it was for the best. maybe he needed time to figure out things for himself.

"i'll think about it. but can i spend the night here. i think i cried all my energy away." hoseok says while snuggling into seokjin chest.

"yeah, if you want, i still have some clothes you left here and you can use those to shower." hoseok nods his head before breaking free. seokjin walks into his room and grabs the extra clothes and hands them to hoseok who thankfully takes them and gets into the shower.

it wasn't long before both boys were snuggled up with each other, peacefully sleeping in seokjin's bed. yoongi on the other hand sat on the edge of his bed, looking at the note hoseok left for him. he had tears running down his face. he knew he fucked up this time...

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