✨Chapter One✨

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I had just finished streaming with my boys, those boys being: Dream, George, Bad and ofc my best friend Sapnap!

I love playing with them, especially when we all end up teaming on Sappy! He gets so mad and he blushes when he hears me laugh, it's makes me wonder if... maybe nick see me as more? Oh. My. God! What was I thinking? Nick and I have been friends for years, I never even stopped to think that we might be more?

"Y/N?" Dream said
"Hmm? Oh right! Sorry I forgot we were still on call" I said with a slight hint of blush on my cheeks, i was embarrassed that I wasn't listening and more thinking about my possible future with nick.

"Ha! It's ok, stop thinking about your boyfriend and answer the question!" Gogy laughed, knowing very well that I would blush at the way he refers to Sapnap

"Oh quiet George!" Nick instantly replied

"N/N doesn't seem to mind it?" He said, I could practically hear the smirk on his face

"Well I- umm" I wasn't sure what I felt... did I like Sap? I mean yeah, but in what way?
"I'm quite tired, I'm going to bed! See you boys tomorrow" I lied

"Your tired at 7:30?" Sapnap said, I had forgotten he lived in Texas with me, hell I even forgot he was in my college classes too! It was weird, consider we never spoke in class but out side, we were inseparable, especially on stream!

Oh god, I was trailing off again, I need to get this under control, can't have George getting any more ideas!

"Oh all these excuses!" Bad joked.

"Oh don't you start too Bad!" I said jokingly.

"Oh ok, goodnight y/n" Dream said.

"Yeah goodnight" George said, he sounded kinda sad that I was leaving so soon.

"Nighty nighty" Sapitus said, making me slightly blush, but I would never admit that!

"Night Mrs.Nap" Bad said.

I immediately felt the heat rise in my cheeks, Mrs.Nap? I liked it, I really did, it was catchy.

"Gross bad!" Sapnap retaliated.

"Ok I'm done here" I said with a slight giggle, and then left the discord call.

Mrs.Naps? It was very catchy!

When fate finally hits.  (Sapnap X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now