✨Chapter Two✨

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It was the next day after the "Mrs.Naps" thing, I was still thinking about it, until my phone started to buzz like crazy. I looked down at it and I see 5 messages from....Clay? What did he want so badly?

I opens the messages to see... 5 Fan arts, all of me and Sapnap! They were all of me in a wedding dress and Nick in a tux, and of course "Mr. And Mrs.Naps" some where on the

Are you serious clay?

What's wrong Y/N? I hope you and Nick are taking notes for the wedding!

I hate you

Love you too stress

Nicks POV
I had been awake for at least an hour, I was questioning rather to text Y/N or not, I couldn't stop thinking about what Bad called her yesterday. I wish she had her face cam on so I could have seen her face, to see if she blushes, to see if she liked it? I'm not sure why, I just needed to know what she thought.

I refused to reply to Dream, I wasn't in the mood, I had just woken up, I was a mess! I went to my closet, grabbed some clothes and got ready for class.

As I was walking into the bathroom, I looked into the mirror and noticed- I WAS WEARING NICKS HOODIE!!

I blushes so much I was practically a tomato! Should I change? Nah, he probably won't even notice! I hope so...

(Time skip)

I arrived to class just on time, I walked in and made eye contact with Nick for a short second before looking away.

"Is that my hoodie, Trashy?" I smiled and blushed at the nickname, he hadn't called me that in years!

"Mayyyybe" i smirk, trying to hide my embarrassment from him noticing.

He motioned for me to sit next to him, so I did.

As the teacher began to talk all I could do was stare at Nick, luckily he was closer to the teacher than me, so he wouldn't notice me.

After 10 maybe 15 minutes Nick turned around and asked me "you get any of that?" I giggled and shook my head.

"Well maybe I can help you?" He said will a slight hint of a blush appearing on his face.

"Are you blushing Nappy?" I teased.

"I- umm!" He was clearly embarrassed and I loved that I had this affect on him, so did George.

He explained what the teacher was saying, he was a great teacher and I was a good listener, i understood quicker than I usually would, maybe because I wanted to listen to him speak, i soaked in ever word like my life depended on it, no matter what affect I had on him, he definitely had the same on me.

Nicks POV
She had been staring at me since the teacher started the lesson, I guessed that she didn't think I noticed but.. I would fell her loving eyes on me. Once the teacher finished I turned to her, knowing she wasn't listening to the expansion at all.

I helped her understand everything, she was an amazing listener and incredibly beautiful when she was concentrating, her E/C eyes scanning her paper checking for errors or places she could add more detail. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks slowly as I admired her.

When fate finally hits.  (Sapnap X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now