✨Chapter Twelve✨

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We were finally able to get into the building we met fans, we received art, we gave our autographs, we did it all!

"Ooh look at thiiis" bad said pointing at a small stall full of custom made fan stuff of... us?

"Awwww look Y/N!" Nick said pointing to a fan art poster of something that look like an anime seen, I'm falling  and Sapnap has his arms wrapped around me as we fall, I feel like I've seen it in an anime before.

"Wow that's awesome!" I said, looking lovingly at the poster and then at Sapnap wondering if that would work and to my surprise... it did! He bought me the poster and put it in his backpack.

"Teehee" I said, clearly teasing him.

"Oh hush" he look at me with a massive smile.

"Guys! We have a meet and greet to get too!" Skeppy and bad almost said at the same time.

When we got to the m&g we meet fans and took pictures, answered questions and revived gifts on gifts!

Once it was all over, we took everything back to the hotel and then went out for dinner!

This time I sat in the passenger seat up front with clay.

"Can I have the.." Clay cut me off.


"Pleeeeaaaaassssseeeee Dweam"

He looked over at me for a split second.

"HA YES" I said, grabbing the aux cord.

"Oh god what have you done!" Nick said

I started to play music that everyone enjoyed... and by everyone I mean Clay, George, Nick and myself because, Tommy and Will went with Skepboyhalo.... FrEcKiNg tRaItOrS!

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