✨Chapter Eight✨

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I will try to make all these chapters longer instead of just releasing a lot at once.

Chapter Eight
After we all played minecraft it was getting late so we all decided it was best to go to bed, Tommy slept on the couch/sofa, Willbur got the 2nd spare bedroom, I slept in "my room" has nick calls it and ofc Nick slept in his room.

I was so tired, got changed into my pjs that I already had at Nicks, brushed my teeth and took into bed, I went on Twitter look and some fan art and some tweets I had been tagged in. It didn't take long for me to start to feel my eye lids become heavy, I place on my phone on its charging stand and went to sleep.

Durning the night I was slight awoken by the feeling of two arms making their way around my waist and pulling me closer.

"Hello" I said with a small giggle.

"Hi" Nick said kissing my forehead.

I looked up at him considering I was facing him and not the wall, he was... tired? Or maybe it was worry, I couldn't tell.

"Are you ok?" I thought it would be best to ask instead of guessing.

"Yeah, I just had a horrible dream, that's all" he said, I liked the fact that he came to me for comfort.

"Aww are you ok?" I asked once more, this time stroking his hair too.

"Yeah, it's just... I really wish... that, well that's the thing, I'm not sure" he sounded very tired and sad.

I cuddled my face into his chest and just let him hold me, I knew that it usually helped him to told me just as much as it helped me when he held me.

"You know me too well Y/N" he chuckled.

"Yeah" I said before falling asleep again.

I woke up the next morning I was still in Nicks arms, he hadn't let go or even loosened his grip.

Nicks POV
She had fallen asleep, she truly was beautiful, she looked so peaceful when she slept, it sounds creepy I know but, she really was perfect.

In the morning when I woke up, she was still there in my arms, I refused to let go, not until I had to, I wanted to hold her and never have to let go, to just feel her warmth all the time, but with that.. she woke up.

"Good morning sunshine" I said, alerting her that I was awake too.

"Morning Nicky" She teased.

We got up and made breakfast, we made pancakes and put some pop tarts in the toaster.

"I SMELL PANCAKES" Tommy said sitting up from the couch/sofa.

"WILLBUR GET DOWN HERE! OUR AMERICAN SLAVES ARE COOKIMG PANCAKES" That made y/n laugh so much she almost turned into a kettle just like Dream!

"Dam it Tommy" Willbur said waking out of his room clearly tired.

"Oh and we've got some pop tarts toasting"    Y/N said.

"Do they even know what those are?" I whispered to her.

"Yes you idiot, they have them in England too!" She explained.

We all sat down and ate, Tommy seemed to love the pop tarts, and Y/N ended up making Will some coffee.

"I know for a fact that English coffee is better so I'm sorry" she chuckled as she handed will his drink.

"That's alright, just whatever keeps me going" he thanked her and started to drink.

"So how long do you plan on staying here?" I question.

Wills POV
I almost spat my "Coffee" when I heard Nick say that... had he forgotten Vid con?

"Umm were here untill Wednesday? Remember! We're all going to vid together?" Tommy has spoken before I even had a chance to speak!

"OH MY GOD" Nick yelled, he had definitely forgotten.

"Ah crap" Y/N had forgotten too it seems

"How did you forget?" I asked, considering we had spoken about it like two days ago?

"I ugh..." Nick was clearly distracted by Y/N that's why he forgot.

"Ah it's ok Nick no need to apologise, we all know how easily you get distracted around Mrs.Naps" I teased

"Dam it willbur!" Y/N apparently didn't like my joke....

Dreams POV
When I picked George up from the airport I was so happy to see him again! I just wondered what was going on with Sapnap.

"Hey have you spoken to Nick or..." I was cut off by my phone ringing.

"Ah speak of the devil" I said before answering the phone.

"Clay????" He seemed troubled

"Yes? Don't tell me your forgot!" I could tell by the way he sounded.

"We both forgot" he said

"Y/N THERE TOO???? oooooooo! Stay the night did she?" George added

"Haha very funny gogy!" I heard y/n say.

"SHE DID!" I heard tommy yell from clearly far away.

"SHHH TOMMY!!!" Y/N said in more than just a whisper.

Tommy has them silent, I could hear muffling. I assumed Y/N and her hand over Tommy's mouth to stop him from saying anything else "embarrassing" to me and George.

"Oh so Tommy and Will made it yesterday?" I asked.

"Yep!" I heard a tired will say.

"Great to hear!" George noted.

"So are you gonna start to pack? Tommy and Willbur know the plan so they can remind you" I explained to them.

"Ok, bye!" Nick said

"BYEEEEE" Tommy yelled

"GET BACK HERE!" Y/N yelled

Tommy's POV
Considering Y/N and I were the youngest in the house, Me being 16 and her being almost 19. I wouldn't have expected anything less than what happend.

After I had escaped her grasp I ran around the living trying to avoid being caught again until I was face to face with her, both circling the sofa/couch until she just JUMPED over the sofa/couch!

"AHH" I screamed as I tried to run away but she caught me.

"Ha! I win" she celebrated.

"Ok ok! What's your prize?" I asked

"You have to......" she thought about it, then asked nick... he whispered something to her and she smiled.

"Tommyinnit as your punishment for being a little snitch I hear by state that you must.... go to the shop down the road, get everything on this list" she said handing me a list "and use your best American accent to anyone you speak to until you return" easy! No ones gonna know if I use the accent or not... or that's what I thought until-

"And we except you to record the whole thing" Sapnap added

"Pfff fine ok" I took the list, the money and I started to record using my phone I'm my back pocket.

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