✨Chapter Fifteen✨

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Blood and gore references.

"Clay? Can i ask you something" I say as I sit up.

"Of course what is it" he offered me some water.

"Have you ever noticed how, weirdly similar we look?"

"Uh actually, yeah" he seemed as weirded out as me.

"Weird" I said before drinking the glass of water.

That's when George called

"I have nicks phone????"


After that we called Nick/Me? And now he's on his way to get me.

"Y/N, Prince.charmings here" I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him tighter than ever, I thought I might choke him to death so I slowly let go.

"I'm here to save my drunk damsel in distress" he said.

"Oh I am just as hung over as you- how did you get here hung over?"

"I didn't drink as much as you last night" he teased.

"Are you coming in or not?" Clay said from the other room.

We sat a chat for an hour or so, then we streamed because Sap brought his laptop and dream gave me his spare one.

"Ima make some bacon and pancakes" I said getting up, I walked into Dreams kitchen, I grabbed the bacon, turned on the stove with the frying pan onto and started to slice the bacon when nick came up behind me, obviously not realising the knife in my hand,

(This part was inspired by mcsimp)

"OWWW" I said as I cut my hand. I looked down at the blood dripping all over my hands.

"OMG! I'm so sorry!!!" He said grabbing my hand and trying to stop the bleeding.

"Call...the..." I passed out

Nicks POV
"CLAY! CLAY CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW" I screamed as I held Y/Ns limp body in my arms, still trying to stop the bleeding.

"Ok I'm calling them" Clay said.

The ambulance arrived and I was terrified, would she even live? Clay was able to grab bandages for her hand but, it didn't stop the bleeding.

Clays POV
We gotten into the ambulance with Y/N and on the way, I got a call:
💙Gogy Baaaaby💙
"Umm hey George"

"Why do I hear ambulance sirens...."

"I- umm..." I was silent "Y/N cut her hand and she's bleeding everywhere"

"SHE WHAT!" Good to know he cares.

"Yep.. so were on the way to the hospital now"

"Good! Call me when she wakes up"

"We will Gogy" I say hoping to lift the mood.

We say goodbye to each other and I put my phone away.

"My mom works at this hospital so we can trust her, she's good Nick" he looks up and I can see he's been crying, he didn't try to hide it. He was sat there with her hand in his, tears streaming down his pale cheeks. He looked sick because he was so pale with worry.

"Nick, she's going to be ok." I say, placing a soft hand on his shoulder.

"I just... don't know what I'd do without her, she's been there..... forever?" He stuttered and chocked on his words, on his tears. He was falling apart even looking at her, who knows what would happen if she....No! Stop thinking like that clay!

Clays Mom POV
"Where is my son? He brought in a friend and she's terribly hurt!!!!" I yelled as I ran though the halls... "CLAY?"

I found out what room he was in.

I walked up to the 2nd floor, then the 3rd and finally the 4th. I walked up to the door and I opened it unaware of how gross it may be.

"Mom! Hey!" Clay said

"This is my friend...Y/N"

"I- Y/N? Darling... is it really you?"


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