Chapter 11

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I don't know for how long, but it feels like I've been riding around for hours. I keep thinking about what to do, I should probably go away, to the iron hills, to mirkwood, to the laketowners. But I don't want to leave, I want to stay with Fìli, I want my friend back... As I think of this, I realise something, the pony I'm sitting on, is Minty, Thorin's pony. I thought it went missing, they told me the ponies ran off, because of Wargs who scared them. Minty must have found her way to Erebor. "Do you miss him as much as I do?" I ask the pony. As a respond she shakes her thick manes up and down. "I knew you did." I say laughing. "Now we must find a way to save Fìli from Eowen." I say more serious. After another while of thinking and riding around, I notice the sun is gone, soon it will be dark. "We must find shelter, Minty." I say to the pony. I decide to go and ask the Laketowners for shelter, since they are the friendliest, and nearby. As I arrive in their small tent-camp, I ask for Bard. Bard is sitting in a tent, wich is exactly in the middle of the camp. I heard they made him the master, eventhough he didn't want to. "Bard." I say, as I walk in. "Hmm..?" he looks up, "miss Gwendolyn, what can I do for you?" I tell him what happened, and I asked him not to tell anyone. "Of course you can stay here for the night." He says, "But I don't think I can help you with your further problems." "Thank you Bard," I say, and I follow a man who will lead me to a tent. When I'm finally falling asleep, the man comes in again. "Miss, I am terribly sorry to wake you, but there's a visitor for you." he says. "Who is it?" I ask. If it's Fìli, I'm going to cry. But then Balin walks in. I sigh in relief. "Thank god, it's you grandfather..." I say, "How did you find me?" "Bard sent me a message, I was worried about you Gwendolyn!" he says. "Did he explain why I am here?" I ask. "Yes, he did, but I don't think she told you the truth." He says. "What do you mean?" I ask worried. "Fìli is still very ill, and I don't think she has any intention of healing him. In fact, he is just lying in his bed, while she says he's just tired. I spoke to him, Gwen, he is seriously ill." "I must go back, she will kill him!!" I say, and I jump up. "You can't, he is guarded." "How many dwarves?" I ask. "One, but a very big one." "I can handle that." I say, "This is what we do." I tell my plan to Balin, and this is what we'll do: Balin will distract Eowen by stealing her necklaces and telling her that, while I take care of the guard and heal Fìli. "This is a very big risk you are taking." Balin says to me, "Why'd you risk your life for a plan, that has a minimum chance of succeeding?" "Because it's the only plan I can think," I say, and add: "And...And I love him..." Balin smiles. "I know." He says. "Tomorrow morning we leave, before dawn." I say. "Good night." Balin says, and leaves the tent.

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