Chapter 12

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The next morning, before dawn, we leave. It isn't far to Erebor, so we get there when it's still dark. We sneak in and quietly walk to Fìli's bedroom. Before we turn the corner I look at what's in the hallway. "There's Eowen, in front of the door." I whisper, "that means her necklaces are unguarded in her room. Quickly Balin, get them!" Balin sneaks off to Eowen's room. A few minutes later he comes back empty-handed. "I hid them in a guest room, she won't find them." He says. "Good thinking grandpa," I say, "go to the kitchen, prepare her some food, and tell her the necklaces are gone." He goes off again. After a while, he comes back from the direction in wich Eowen's room is. I listen to what he says: "Miss! Miss! Here you are! I was so worried! I came into your room to bring you breakfast, but your room, it's a mess! Someone has searched your room, and the necklaces! They're missing!" "Breakfast, so early?" Shoot!! "And I can't remember you bringing it to me, ever... What is going on? Where's Gwendolyn?" No! I never thought she'd be this suspicious. "Derek!" she shouts. The big dwarf comes out of the bedroom. "Bring this old dwarf to the execution-cells, I'll take care of the king." No! No, no, no!!! As soon as I hear the footsteps of the big dwarf walking away, and the door closing, I run, as quiet as I can, to the bedroom, I get my daggers out of my belt and open the door. I see Eowen sitting on the bed, next to Fìli, she's holding a weed, wich I don't know, but it's probably poisonous. "Go away from the bed." I say calmly. She doesn't move a single muscle. "One step closer..." she says threatening. "NOW!" I scream. I'm thinking about the odds: four steps and I'm next to her, it will take 3 seconds to kill her. But the weed, she will be able to kill him in three seconds as well. "What do you want me to do to keep him alive?" I ask, feeling weaker then I ever did. I look at Fìli, he's asleep. I can see Eowen is thinking. "First, put the daggers down." she says. "Then you put the weed away." I say cold. "Alright." she says, and we both put our 'weapons' down. "And further?" I ask. She thinks again. "That old man, was he part of the plan?" she asks me. "What old man?" I ask. "So... He wasn't part of your plan? The old man, long white beard." my face starts to panic, but from the inside I'm calm. "What's with him? Do you mean Balin? What did you do to him?!" I learnt how to fake things, wich I'm so glad with now. "He tried to get me away from here, but he wasn't in your plan?" she asks me. "What do you mean? What plan? What did you do to him?" I scream. "Let's say, he is no longer my concern." she says smirking. I fall down on my knees and start to cry. Well, I pretend to. "Tell me what I need to do so you'll let the king live." I ask her. "Surrender, admit you stole things from me, and Fìli. You'll be executed, but Fìli will live, I promise." I thought something. "How do I know you'll let him live?" I ask her, still kneeled down, only a couple of centimetres away from my daggers. She stands up, exactly what I hoped she'd do, and walks around. As she turns her back to me, to look out of the window, I quietly pick up my daggers and quickly put them in my belt, I hope she didn't notice. Suddenly Fìli starts to breathe heavily. I panic, he's dying. I get up, grab my daggers, and run to Eowen. Because of Fìli's sudden breathing, she noticed me too late. I push her against the wall and hold one of my daggers to her throat, the other one I point at her heart. "What did you give him?!" I say. She doesn't respond. I stab my left dagger in her wrist. "What did you give him?!?" I say forcibly. "Dragon weed! Dragon weed..." she says. I stab my dagger all the way through her wrist, into the wall, so she's stuck. Then I rush to Fìli, who's still breathing heavily. "Don't die, I'll heal you." I say both panicked and concerned. Dragon weed. Dragon weed. I know how to heal that. I've learnt it from my aunt. But what was it again? No, no blackouts, not now... Fìli is now really dying. "Fìli, no! Calm down, I'll think of something." I say. Then the big dwarf comes in. With his bow, he shoots me in my leg. I scream. I throw my dagger at him, it hits him right in his chest. He falls down, dead. "Aaargh." I crie. "How do you heal someone from dragon weed-poisoning?" I yell at Eowen. "I forgot." Eowen says, crunching her teeth. I run to the dead dwarf, grab the dagger and walk to Eowen. "How can I heal him?" I say, holding my teeth together. With my dagger I cut a stripe on her forehead. "How?" I scream. She still doesn't respond. I stab her in her upper arm. Then I remember. "Of course!" I say, and I run off to Balin's room. I grab the snake out of it's terrarium, and let it bite the glass standing next to it. "Cobra poison." I say. I add some water to it, so Fìli can drink it, and rush back to the king's bedroom. As I come back, I see Eowen has loosened herself and I can see how she stabs Fìli. "NO!" I scream. I drop the glass and run towards Eowen. She makes a move to kill me, but I'm more trained, more skilled, so I duck and stab her in her chest. She falls down and I turn to Fìli, he is still breathing. I run towards the glass, witch didn't shatter. There is still some of the poison in the glass. I quickly pick it up and bring it to Fìli. I open his mouth and pour the poison in it. Then I watch the wound, it's in his lower-body, so he can survive this. Dwalin comes in, he must have heard the noise, and came to see what was going on. "NO TIME, GET ME SOME KINGS FOIL!" I scream, while desperatly pressing on the wound to stop the bleeding. Dwalin runs off and comes back a little later with kings foil in his hands. He doesn't say anything and hands it to me. I directly begin saying Elvish words and preparing the kings foil by chewing on it. I spit it on the wound, hold it and say another few Elvish words. I see Fìli wakes up. He stretches his hand to my face, but then drops it again and closes his eyes. "Fìli... Fìli no, stay with me... FÌLI? FÌLI!!" I start to panic. The wound has stopped bleeding, but Fìli stopped breathing.

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