Chapter Twenty Eight

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You'd all cleared up all of your mess in a couple of hours. Of course you used magic, you weren't enthusiastic to tidy at all. At first, He who must not be named [Malfoy] and Cedric did not believe Luna in her statement that their lives would go back to normal in a mere twenty four hours. So Luna took you all up to Dumbledore's office and you watched as the sorting hat sung another song.

'Hello Students, your loneliness is finally over
I'm still quite surprised you all stayed sober.

"There was wine right in the kitchen, how are you children all so responsible?"

Things will return to normal as soon as dawn breaks,
If alliance is still not present, dumbledore might keep you here, for as long as it takes.
So I recommend that you two love birds make up,
Before Dumbledore comes, and dilutes your luck.'

"'Love birds?!'" Malfoy spat. "I'd rather die then lay a hand on a mudblood." Malfoy snarled, looking at you directly, as if you looked like one of Ron's failed potions. Your throat went dry. The comment stung, you couldn't lie. You looked and saw Cedric and Luna's faces. Cedric looked tinted red and Luna went as pale as Malfoy. "Can I choke you then?" You snapped, looking back at Malfoy. Malfoy's looked at you with another unreadable expression, for a second, his features softened, a potential smile showing, but then he reverted back, snarling in the process. "What was that annoying noise? Maybe it came from a pest?" Malfoy said, clenching his jaw. Your eyes stung. You stormed stormed down the stairs, pausing before you exited. "Arse hole." You whispered.


You stared at the mountains, sitting on the manicured Hogwarts fields, your eyes glazing over. You had a deep thought. You questioned wether you even wanted things to go back to normal. All you wanted to do was go back in time to the days when you and Malfoy would spend those nights exploring the school together. He made you feel euphoric and he even made you feel beautiful with his ghastly pick up lines. You smiled to yourself and chuckled.

Half an hour later, you were just laying down when you heard someone lay next to you. You opened one eye to see Cedric looking directly into it. You smiled and closed your eye back again, then Cedric started to talk. You wanted to just lay there together, not exchanging words, but communicating with no words, just being there together, doing nothing, saying nothing, only comforting eachother. "I'm sorry, I- I should have stood up for you." He stuttered. You waved in forgiveness and continued to lay there, silent as ever. "You're beautiful, you know that right?" Cedric whispered out of the blue. You blushed a little. You turned so you were laying, facing him. "Just shut up." You whispered and leant in to place your lips on his.

The kiss lasted a couple of seconds. Part of you was wondering why you weren't jumping with joy, but part of you believed that that was due to your feeling of loneliness at that time. You pulled back and looked at eachother. Cedric stared at you, and placed his hand gently on your jaw, pulling you into another soft kiss.

Somewhere in the distance, Malfoy watched Y/n and Cedric, and his decision was final. He was to leave you with him. He was a much better match for Y/n, and would treat her right.

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