Chapter Eleven

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"MALFOY! I SWEAR TO MERLIN I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" You bellowed at him. He continued laughing so hard that he was gasping for air. "WHATS SO FUNNY?!" You raged. Draco was now clutching his stomach while hiccoughing with laughter. "It's- its just- hic- it's just you- hic-" he sputtered, struggling to make out words through giggles. After ages he finally calmed down a bit. "You call me a coward and then shriek at the sight of an itty bitty bee." He said, chuckling and extending his arm to help you up. You blushed bright red, out of embarrassment, anger or attraction, you couldn't tell. You stared at his extended arm and grabbed it, his hand was warm and soft. He lifted you up and you locked eye contact. It was like you couldn't escape his beautiful gaze as his enchanting eyes hypnotised you. You just stood there, holding his hand and looking deep into his eyes, his soul, and he was doing the same to you... until the bee came in and rested on Malfoy's nose. He panicked and it was your time to laugh. You now understood why he found it so funny. You pulled him off of the ground and grinned. "How about we get some berries then." You said. He smirked. "I bet I can get more then you." He taunted, then sprinted to the berry bush. "Hey!" You whined. And with a smile, you picked up your meat bag and dashed after him.


Ten minutes later you had a large sack containing meats and berries in one hand and a crossbow in the other. Next to you was Malfoy, with a smaller sack and a bow on his back. "Should we head back now?" He asked, you nodded, while wiping your forearm on your forehead to get off the sweat.

Man, Malfoy can pick berries fast.

You looked around. "Uhm, Malfoy... where do we exactly go?" You asked. "Oh no. We're lost." He said, looking pale. As if on cute, a creature growled in the far distance. You and Malfoy exchanged looks of pure terror. You headed in the direction furthest from the sound of the growl. Once you and Malfoy were far enough from the sound, you both slowed down your pace and started talking. "So l/n, how much did you catch?" Malfoy asked you, smirking. You tried your hardest to hide your own smirk and plastered a fake frown on your face. "O-oh, I didn't catch much," you started, while fake stammering. His smirk slightly decreased, but you took no notice. "I only caught... one rabbit, six birds, two ferrets and one deer." You proudly stated, a giant grin spreading on your face. Malfoy's face dropped. "H-how did you- " You giggled. "How much did you catch?" You asked him. He looked down sheepishly.

He looks so cute when he's shy...

I caught two deer and three rabbits." He mumbled. "Looks like you're cooking then." You smirked. His face instantly snapped back to a grin. "You excited, l/n?" He asked.

Did he just flirt with me again?

"No, I'm dreading the food poisoning." You said while fake gagging. He snickered. "The only poison you're going to gain from my food is the poison of obsession." He said seductively.
Your jaw dropped. "You're such a flirt Malfoy!" You said playfully while rolling your eyes. "Maybe if I got some blood purity, you'd date me." You teased, batting your eyelashes and pouting, mimicking Pansy Parkinson. Draco grimaced at the reminder of the pug faced, love sick Slytherin girl. "I'd date you either way." He smirked. Your heart exploded, but you simply stuck out your tongue at him. "You wish." You mumbled. He gave you an attractive side glance and chuckled. He was practically chucking butterflies into your stomach at this point, and you couldn't do anything about it.

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