Chapter 5: Not Moving

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Landon woke up, and immediately smelled prey nearby. He couldn't tell if it was a moose or elk.

" Is Landon awake yet?" He heard Tristan ask.

Landon heard Michael walk over, as the orange wolf leaned to look.

" Yeah, he's up." said Michael.

Landon groaned and stood up. He saw Avani still laying on the ground, and there was a piece of meat in front of her nose. Carmen was still asleep right next to her, and Zeke was just staring at her. Zeke looked away from Avani, just to glare at Landon for a second. Landon backed away, and Zeke stopped glaring at him and stared staring back at the motionless purple wolf in front of him.

" He's been staring at Avani all night," explained Alannie, walking up to Landon. " He's even been murmuring and mumbling things."

" What things?" Asked Landon.

" I don't know. Couldn't hear."

Landon and Alannie walked back towards where the other wolves were. They were all still feeding on whatever they caught. When Landon took a closer look, he realized it was an elk. Pyro tossed a piece of the meat towards Landon, and Landon jumped back a little.

" What? Not hungry?" Asked Pyro. Landon shook his head. " Welp. Your loss."

When Landon saw Zeke leave Carmen and Avani, he began to walk backwards, and have his turn sitting with the sisters. As he passed by Zeke, the dark blue wolf didn't give him any looks, but he did growl. At the same time, Carmen got up just in time to see Landon in front of her.

" Good morning." Carmen said, yawning.

" Morning," Mumbled Landon, laying next to Carmen. " How's Avani?"

" She's okay, I guess. Zeke offered to sleep with us last night, hoping she would wake up."

" Did I hurt her too much?"

" I guess. But she's recovering."

" That's good."

Landon and Carmen then turned around just to see Zeke standing beside them. Landon and Zeke both looked away, as Zeke sat on the other side of Avani. Landon still felt guilty, and wanted to apologize.

"Uh, Carmen? I might just take a nap for a little bit okay." he said to Carmen.

"Okay." replied Carmen.

Landon fell asleep quickly.

Landon didn't know how long it's been since he fell asleep, but it got quiet once he opened his eyes again. It was almost sunset, and the other wolves were far away sitting around a fire. Landon wondered how they made it. He looked beside him only to see Avani, still knocked out and unconscious. Landon stayed where he was and went back to sleep. When he woke up, she was still in the same position she has always been in. But then he noticed something different. Avani was still laying in the same position, but something was in her paws. Landon never saw her hold anything. He reached out to whatever was in her paws, and saw it was a piece of paper, folded up.

Landon saw Carmen run over, with meat in her mouth. She dropped it in front of Avani, then noticed Landon holding the paper.

" What's that?" She asked.

" I found it in Avani's paws," Landon replied. " Did you ever see her holding anything?"

Carmen shook her head.

" Let me take a look at it." asked Carmen as she took the paper.

While Carmen looked at the paper, Landon saw a memory of him attacking Avani, and his right eye turned light blue.

" Landon? Are you okay." asked Carmen.

" For a second, just one second I felt like I was about to control myself, but I let it take over," Landon started to cry. " I'm a-a monster!"

Carmen put the paper down and put a paw on Landon's shoulder.

" No you are not," She said. " How many times do I have to say that?"

Carmen looked back at the paper, then shoved it into Landon's paws. Landon took it, and took a look at what was on the paper.

" Hey, something's written on it." He said.

Carmen looked over his shoulder. " What does it say?"

" It says, ' In 3 days we are going to kill the 5 Alphas. When we finish the job, we will kill their kids if we can find them.'

" We have to tell everyone!" said Carmen.

" Tell what?"

Landon and Carmen turned towards the source of the sound. They almost gasped when they realized the purple lump of the unconscious wolf was suddenly awake.

" Avani!" They shouted, catching attention.

Avani stood up weakly, and groaned when something hurt. The others dashed over, and Carmen was the first one to hug her sister.

" You're awake!" She said, crying tears of joy.

" Yeah. I'm a-awake." Avani said, her voice a little raspy and croaky.

Avani had been unconscious for so long that her voice became raspy.

Avani smiled when she glanced and Zeke, and Zeke smiled too. Landon sighed at the sight. Zeke hasn't smiled since Avani went motionless. But Landon guessed, by the look on Zeke's face, that he was just happy that his friend was awake. But then that got Landon wondering, did Zeke like her more than that? And was he like that towards Carmen? He was slightly confused now.

" Hey, Zeke." Avani said, coughing right after.

" H-Hey." Zeke stammered. That's new, Landon thought. Then he looked at Carmen, Maybe I've been too anxious to tell her how I really feel.

" Earth to Landon?"

Landon turned his head and came face to face with Pyro. " What?" He asked.

" Are we going to go or not?" Pyro asked.

The pack moved along, and hid the note in his bag that he had been carrying. Avani was limping a bit, but Carmen and Zeke were at both her sides to hold her up. Landon walked over to Avani.

" Hey um, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I did to you and I hope you can forgive me." said Landon.

Zeke gave Landon and eye roll, but Avani just gave a small smile. " It's fine. Ouch."

Avani stumbled on her paw, and fell. Carmen and Zeke helped her up, and Landon winced a bit. Landon glanced at Zeke for a second then walked beside Carmen.

" We have to be there soon right?" asked Alannie.

"Yes, we just have to cross that very, dangerous, rocky, possible rock slide death hazard, mountain." said Landon and he started to become very worried.

Everyone made it to the bottom of the mountain and looked up.

"So we have to c-c-climb that!" smattered Avani.

Landon, Tristan and Michael looked at her and said "YES!" Landon's right eye turned a golden yellow color.

" You look really determined to climb that Landon." said Pyro.

" I would love to climb that," Avani said, then pointed at herself. " But when I'm in this condition, I can't."

" That's super true!" Said Alannie. " There's no way Avani can climb that while limping and tripping almost every minute."

" Can we at least try?" Landon pleaded.

Avani rolled her eyes. " Fine. Someone carry me then."

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