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(Important: Read first.)


This story is my first attempt of the Timely Series. There are going to be six stories from this whole franchise.

I'm writing them one by one or simultaneously if I feel like thus don't expect anything because if there's one thing you need to learn when reading my stories, it's that expectations lead to disappointments so kindly lower the bar to ensure we will not fall flat face down. 

If romance isn't your cup of tea, I highly discourage you from reading this. I don't like watching or reading romance as of the moment either (because I hate how it makes me feel things and how I will never get a love like in books and movies) but it's quite ironic that I'm writing something in the genre. I'm a difficult person to understand but what is mankind without a little bit of confusion, existential dread, and annoyance? 

This story is based equally on experience and imagination. But please do note that everything in my stories is purely fictional. If there are some grammatical and typographical errors, don't worry. I will edit them once I get back after I finish all the stories I have.

I am asking for your patience when reading the chapters I put out for I can be very wordy and they can be a tad bit longer than anticipated. All of the chapters are super word vomit but as the story progresses, each chapter gets better. Although, I'm trying my best to cut off some unnecessary things to avoid them getting longer.

If you do not have the patience and the dedication to read every chapter with approximately seven thousand words (average minimum), I disregard you from continuing reading this story. (I'm on a quest to lengthen my readers' attention spans. Did you sign up for this? Probably not but you still have a chance to pull back from this hellish journey if you'd like.)

These stories are like being in a relationship; it requires commitment and time.

I am deeply inspired by many remarkable authors and writers here on Wattpad, and great novelists around the world from the books I've read written by them. I do not intend and wish to offend, anger, or create a commotion to everyone saying I copied someone. If you see any resemblances from other stories here, I will give credit where credit is due as a sign of respect to those talented and gifted authors I have inspired my stories from. I watch TV shows and movies every day of my life. If you can catch the pop culture references and hidden tributes to these films and series, let's be friends! 

Copying is not what I aim to do. I am truly grateful to share these stories with you that I have inscribed.

Another thing I would like to say;

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I mean, cuique suum.

The stories I will be creating aren't  for the sole purpose of entertainment but I would also like to express my thoughts and perspective on things as I write. I would like to talk about certain subjects and topic to spread awareness. I have always been outspoken and active about many causes, social and political issues, and my dissent to the government. I have been politically active since I was 12. Some parts (chapters) tackle very heavy issues and require understanding and open-mindedness. If you think you can't handle it, then exit the page. 

What I write will always be subjective to every reader. You might have different views whilst reading my stories and that's fine just as long as you won't try to harass or undermine anyone who has a different way of understanding from you. (However, I will not stand in someone's way of calling out individuals who are twisting my words to enrich their own awful propaganda and wreak havoc in the process. Don't make grave assumptions about me.)

There are, of course, aspects where the messages are what I had intended.

Please be aware I am not a professional and that as I began to write this, I was only fifteen. I am writing for I find it amusing and salutary. I am not a licensed doctor, a practicing lawyer, or a board-certified engineer. Everything I wrote down in my stories is just all from my basic knowledge and research. I like to challenge myself and explore different topics and fields of interest. I am just relying on what I have and I try to ask someone who is experienced in those departments as much as I can to achieve realism and accuracy but please keep in mind that not all in my stories are precise even if I wish to have it that way. I have a lot of lapses and my apologies in advance. If I may get some things mistaken, don't hesitate to comment or privately message me so I could go back and correct them. I'm open to holding myself accountable and take advices from people. I'm crowdsourcing my works but I will only accept them if they're valid with no intention to attack me. 

Constructive criticisms are allowed but never repugnance. Again, comprehending statements from different people is certainly subjective but let us not forget to be benevolent and respect one's views (as long as it is not oppressive, harmful to others, and tyrannical). I hope you will not misconstrue the things I have said in this story.

I want to add a few disclaimers before you proceed reading (I will try to site the online sources I got these disclaimers from if I have ever found them):

1. What my characters are doing that may seem illegal because of their age or for any other circumstances, just know I am fully aware of that and I don't encourage you to do the same. 

2. I have tried to recreate events, locales, and conversations from my memories of them. In order to maintain their anonymity in some instances, I have changed the names of individuals and places; I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations, and places of residence.

3. Medical Disclaimer: this story is written for entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a medical advice, or as a substitute for the medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of a physician. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read from here.

4. Patients should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing a health or fitness problem or disease. Patients should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice or information about diagnosis and treatments.

5. Applied medical does not provide medical advice.

6. This story is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

Let us all be reverential as we read and communicate.

My candor has livid the many and the way I audaciously voice out my thoughts in a lot of situations agitated most of them.

Please take this with a grain of salt.

Enjoy reading and thank you. 

Visions of the SeaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon