Say Yes

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Loco & Punch - Say Yes

fromis_9's Gyuri


You were inside your dorm, studying the night away as finals were fast approaching. The chatter of other students can be heard through your open window, since it's Friday night, most people went out to socialize and drink. Except for you.

You were revising anatomy while being accompanied by slow R&B music that was playing on your laptop. Suddenly the desk shook, you looked to your right and noticed that your roommate was calling you on your phone.

"What's up?" You answered the call.

"Yah come to the bar quick!" Distress can be heard in Seungmin's voice.

"What's wrong? Why do I hear a girl crying in the background?" You wondered what kind of trouble your roommate got into.

"It's Gyuri noona. She drank some soju and now she's causing a tantrum. Can you come and get her please?" Your shoulders droop down when you heard Seungmin's statement.

"The owner seems pretty pissed off too," he added.

"Fine, I'll get her. Make sure she doesn't get into more trouble!" You hung up and walked to the door. Putting on your coat and shoes before you ran out of your room, heading to the bar.


You met Gyuri during high school when both of you were in the theatre club. She was the popular sunbae while you're the quiet hoobae, even though you were a shy person, it didn't stop you from taking the main role as prince charming while Gyuri was cinderella.

Never in a million years, you thought you would get your first kiss in high school because of your shy personality. But thanks to the play that you two were in, Gyuri was your first kiss. You developed a one-sided crush, even though the kiss was only a quick peck and looked like it meant nothing to her.

Another downside of it was that to you she only saw you as a little brother, a close friend that she thought of as family. You kept in touch with each other even after the play was over, your feelings for her got stronger as you two got closer.

But sadly, you two also grew apart when she started university. Gyuri got busy with assignments and projects while you had to face the college entrance exams. Coincidentally, you met her last spring and the two of you caught up with one another.

Gyuri even begged you to join her university, making your feelings for her to spark again. Those eyes that always made you smile, you hoped there's no more coincidence between you and Gyuri. Whatever path you take, you want to hold her hand that you only used to pass by, and you don't want to stop talking with her. And so, you enrolled in the same university as her after you finished your college entrance exam.

Flashback Ends...

You ran past street lights after street lights, trying to get to where Gyuri was. Sweat began to trickle down your face and your breath was getting heavier as you speed up your pace. You could see Seungmin and a couple of his friends trying to control the drunk puppy when you were getting closer to the bar.

She was pulling her arms away from them, telling the guys to leave her alone.

You stopped running and caught your breath. You chuckled as the three guys tried to take care of a drunk Gyuri without raising more suspicion to the people around them. She was still the same girl that you know, playful but can be feisty at the same time.

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