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NOTES: I am not good at describing gore. Also, gore trigger warning?


Most of Class B and a few Class A students had to be retrieved from the forest by Tiger, Mandalay, Vlad King, and Eraser Head.

Ochaco, Tenya, and Shouto watched as Izuku cried for their friend, only stopping after his throat started to hurt. The three of them tried to console him but he couldn't be reached. He just stayed quiet and stared blankly.

Fifteen minutes later, medics, police, and fire fighters finally arrive at the campsite. Out of 40 students, twenty-seven were injured, and one was captured.

The medics gave first aid to the injured, but for those with serious injuries like Izuku and Pixie-Bob, they were immediately sent to the hospital. Izuku remained unresponsive on the way.

The firefighters acted quickly to prevent any further movement in the forest fire, while the police were sent to arrest and detain the villains that weren't able to escape, namely the villains Muscular, Moonfish, and Mustard, but they were absolutely mortified by the condition of the forest they found Muscular's corpse at.

(a/n: oh yeah, did i mention izuku killed him?)

It was as if a hurricane had passed through and destroyed that area. Trees in tens of meters of land were brought down and were absolutely wrecked. The side of the mountain was just blown away.

And the state of Muscular's corpse were absolutely horrid. The fibres of his muscles, which were supposed to be as hard as steel and difficult to penetrate, were torn into shreds. His whole body was so mangled, you wouldn't have thought he was one of the most dangerous villains out there.

The police nor the heroes have any idea who could have caused such damage.


Meanwhile, at the villains' hideout (way before the stuff said above), the moment Dabi and Shinsou arrived, Tomura slapped a gag onto the purplette's face which immediately attached and locked itself in place.

He then dragged him to the sofa before taking his seat in front of the counter.

Tomura then took a look at the time, "Hm. Time's up. Seems like no one else is coming."

"Kurogiri, were you able to grab the other one?" Tomura asked.

"Unfortunately, no. Eraserhead was quick to protect him." Kurogiri answered.

"So we only got the other one. How unfortunate." Tomura said under his breath while swirling the liquid in the glass.

"We would've gotten the blonde one if it weren't for Stain's little favorite. That kneeing still hurts." Mr. Compress stated as he rubbed the pained part.

"I saw him too!" Said the villain girl with messy buns. "He looked so cute with those red-tinted bandages wrapping around his wounds. I think I have a crush on him, hihi~"

The villain girl's statement made Tomura pause.

(a/n: oh boy)

"It was a surprise he could still move in those conditions." Dabi noted. "I wonder who he faced to get to that state."

"If I have to guess, Muscular. That man seemed like he was only there to fight. I wouldn't be surprised if he did all that damage to a kid." Mr. Compress speculated.

The whole room flinched when they heard a loud slam and glass shattering. They all looked at Tomura whose hand was bleeding and covered in shards.

"Tomura-" Kurogiri was cut off by the sound of the wooden chair being pushed back and by Tomura, "I'll go get myself wrapped up."

Everyone's eyes was on Tomura as he entered the inner room. Not a few moments later, they could hear the muffled sounds of furniture crashing and breaking and what sounded like restrained grunts of frustration.

The sounds continued for a few minutes before dying down. Ten minutes later, Tomura came out of the door with his hand now bandaged.

"I'm sorry for the mess, Kurogiri." He simply said as he took a seat. Everyone remained quiet for a few seconds until Dabi approached Tomura and he asked a question that had been in Shinsou's head ever since he was confronted by villain with a top hat.

"So, what are you planning for the kid? Why him and that blonde kid anyway? I assume it's not because they came first and second at that school competition."

"Let's just say he did something I will not simply ignore." He said while glaring at the purplette, making the latter flinch.

"As for the other one, my father has business with him, that's all. But unfortunately, it might have to wait."


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