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NOTES: Okay, enough sequel chapters for now.


It was three days later, and it's now the day of the Provisional Hero License Exams.

Class A's bus have finally arrived at their exam venue, Takoba National Stadium. Shota left first to go inside while his students took turns getting off the bus. Some of them were getting a little nervous.

Momo noticed the fact and called out to her classmates to get their attention, "Everyone!"

"Listen, I know some of you might be nervous, this is a big day, after all. But let's do our best, okay? Plus Ultra!" She encouraged them with a huge smile on her face. This seemed to alleviate the nervousness some of them felt.

Izuku smiled at how leader-like Momo acted. Maybe she should've been class president instead of me. He chuckled at the thought.

Izuku was caught off guard however when someone suddenly hung their arm around his shoulders.

"LONG TIME NO SEE, HUH, LITTLE GUY?!" Izuku heard the person beside him exclaim in a loud and enthusiastic voice, catching the attention of the nearby students. Izuku was slightly surprised, to say the least.

Wait, 'little guy'? Izuku remembered something. He looked up at the person beside him and immediately recognized who it was. His eyes lit up and he couldn't stop a huge smile from forming on his face, "Inasa!"

"Inasa Yoarashi! That's me!" He pointed at himself with such enthusiasm.

"We haven't seen each other since the Recommendations Exam! It's so nice to see you! I felt bad when I heard you withdrew your application." Izuku expressed his regret. Inasa could only offer a slight smile to the greenet.

"Izuku, who's he?" Ochaco interrupted, asking the question that had been on his classmates.

"Ah, he's—" Izuku was cut off when Inasa suddenly pulled him closer to him and answered in his usual loud and enthusiastic voice, "INASA YOARASHI! PROUD TITLE HOLDER OF IZUKU MIDORIYA'S FIRST FRIEND OUTSIDE OF HOME!"

You could almost hear Ochaco and Tenya's reality shatter.

Izuku chuckled nervously and added, "We first met at the Recommendations Exam."


(a/n: what is this wholesome shit XD)

It was then that Shouto came near the ruckus, "What's going on here?"

The presence of Shouto seemed to have switched something in Inasa, making his huge grin disappear, replaced by a scowl. Izuku could feel the sudden flip from beside him.

"Izuku, who's this guy?" Shouto asked, pointing at Inasa, making the latter furrow his brows.

"You don't recognize him? He's—" Before Izuku could say who he was, Inasa let go of the greenet and excused himself in his usual bright tone, "Well, I better get back to my class! Nice to meet you again, little guy!"

Inasa messed Izuku's hair then started leaving, "I hope we see each other again!" Inasa said while waving bye.

Izuku was slightly confused, but all he could do was wave bye back, albeit a little weakly.

"But I'm surprised Izuku had a friend before Ochaco and Tenya." Denki noted, "I always thought they were Izuku's first friends. Guess not."

That statement earned him a death glare from Ochaco. Denki immediately tried hiding behind Eijiro.

"Ah! That's it!" Kyoka suddenly exclaimed, capturing her classmates' attention.

"What is it, Kyoka?" Momo asked her friend.

"The hat he was wearing. It's part of Shiketsu High's uniform." Kyoka explained.

"Shiketsu? The famous hero school of the west?" Izuku noted. So that's where he transferred to.

Izuku sighed, then he smiled, At least, we got to meet again.


Izuku's eyes went wide after hearing the familiar voice. He looked over at the direction of the voice and saw a little girl with short white hair excitedly running towards him.

"Izuku-nii!" The little girl excitedly called him, reaching her arms out for a hug.

"Eri!" Izuku kneeled down to Eri's level and held out his hands to accept Eri's hug.

"I missed you, Izuku-nii!" Eri exclaimed.

"Me too." Izuku replied then he asked, "What are you doing here?"

But before Eri could answer, Ochaco interrupted, "We didn't know you had a sister, Izuku. Why didn't you mention her before?"

Izuku smiled before standing up, then he answered, "That's because she's only become part of the family since recently."

"Why don't you introduce yourself, Eri?" Izuku suggested to his sister with a smile. Eri was a little nervous, but her brother's smile helped her get over it a little.

"I-I'm... my name is Eri. And I'm Tenko-nii and Izuku-nii's little sister. N-nice to meet you." Eri said while playing with the edge of her shirt, still a little nervous, but it only added to her cuteness.


Izuku's classmates, especially the girls started circling around her and introduced themselves. They had also asked a few questions where they learned that Eri was recently adopted by Izuku's father.

From behind their group, Shinso just watched from a distance. That little adopted part made him scoff. I've started to wonder if the actual adopted one is Izuku. He thought.

His eyes went wide when he heard a chuckle from behind him, then the person spoke, "Oh, I assure you, Izuku is my son."

Shinso's face went pale and he felt shivers climb up his spine. He could only look down to avert gazes as he heard the man walk past him and towards his children.

Izuku was surprised to see his father there.

"Dad! You're here too? What are you doing here? Is Tenko here too?" Izuku started looking around.

"Unfortunately, your brother had other matters he had to attend to." Hisashi told his son.

"And why are you asking us why we're here? We're here to watch, of course." Hisashi answered with a seemingly gentle smile.

"I didn't know parents were allowed to watch." Izuku was confused.

"Only if you know the right people." Hisashi simply told him.

The rest of Class A felt shivers. They couldn't help but be put off by Izuku's father. Something about him felt wrong. It wasn't just the fact that Izuku's father towered over them. No. It's the fact that he carries himself like some kind of gentle giant with his mannerisms and the way he speaks, but they could feel it... he was radiating a faint deadly aura.

So this man is Izuku's father, they all thought.


NOTES: I suppose after 200 years of living, you learn a thing or two about being intimidating.

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