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"Tomura, time for your escape." All for One told his eldest as the tips of his fingers started turning black with red circuit-like patterns. His father's statement caught the young man off guard.

All for One's fingers extended and stabbed the unconscious Kurogiri.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Magne reacted.

"It's fine. I'm using Kurogiri to create a portal for you to escape." All for One explained exactly as a portal appeared, and the villain's finger went back to normal.

"What about you?" Tomura voiced his concern. "I won't just leave you here."

All for One looked over to the direction where he sent All Might flying, exactly as the hero returned to the battlefield. The villain let out an annoyed, "Tch."

"I WON'T LET YOU ESCAPE!" The hero declared and charged towards the villain once again. All for One went on the offensive and the two titans clashed once again.

"Dad!" Tomura was worried. No, please, not again.

"Tomura, we need to leave." Mr. Compress told him while he turned Dabi into a marble, but Tomura wasn't planning on leaving.

"Don't worry, Tenko. I promised Izuku I'll be back, didn't I?" All for One told his eldest telepathically.


"Just trust me, Tenko."

Tomura remained hesitant, but he knew to trust his father. He looked over to his league, then he thought, I've been wreckless.

"Quick, grab the brat. We're leaving." Tomura ordered the villains.

All Might and Izuku immediately reacted when they heard that.

"Young Shinsou!" All Might snapped out of his anger and immediately tried getting to Shinsou, but All for One prevented him doing so and threw him back.

"Your battle is with me, All Might." The villain reminded him.

Izuku tried to go out there but Shouto and Tenya were stopping him.

"I need to get Shinsou—"

"How are you going to do that?! You're still not fully healed! You can't fight them all— not while that monster is there!" Tenya scolded the greenet.

Izuku gritted his teeth. As much as he doesn't want to accept it, they don't have that many options. Shinsou was surrounded and unresponsive.

We need a plan! A plan that will let us save Shinsou and escape as well. Izuku started wracking his brain for a plan. But he's just too stressed to think straight.

Shinsou's right there! He's right there! Will I really let him go again? Izuku closed his eyes and pulled his hair.

"The villains aren't allowed to harm you."

Izuku's eyes went wide and he immediately turned his head to the side. He could've swore he heard someone whisper to his ear. Was it his imagination...?

(a/n: i'm disappointed no one reacted to my invisible assistant joke last chapter  ̄へ ̄)

Regardless, he now has an idea on how they can rescue Shinsou.

"Tenya, Shouto, I have a plan on how we can get Shinsou." The greenet told his friends.

"And I'm going to need the help of all four of you."


Twice and Mr. Compress went near the unresponsive purplet. However, before Mr. Compress could reach the boy, his hand was slapped away by an invisible force, confusing the villain.

Mr. Compress tried multiple times to make contact with the boy but every time, his hand would simply be slapped away.

"I thought you were a showman, not a mime!- Turn him into a marble already!" Twice told Mr. Compress, but no matter how many times he tried, his hand was just slapped away by the invisible force.

Eventually, Twice grew impatient and decided to just carry the boy instead, but the moment he took one step, he was immediately sent flying, confusing the villains even more.

"What's taking so long?!" Tomura angrily asked.

Before anyone could answer, Izuku suddenly burst through the wall where they've been hiding at, surprising the villains and Tomura.

Using speed Quirks on his legs, Izuku made his way to Shinsou. The villains were quick to react and tried to stop him.

"Wait, don't hurt him!" Tomura ordered the villains, making them hesitate and let him get to Shinsou.

Izuku wrapped his right arm around Shinsou, snapping the purplet out of the haze. He looked over at his friend, "I-Izuku?"

The greenet flashed a smile at him, then he glared at the villains. The greenet activated three Quirks on his left arm, Muscle Augmentation, Fortify, and Unbreakable, then he slammed the ground, enough to make the villains lose their balance.

Meanwhile, as all of this transpired, Shouto's giant ice ramp has finally reached its peak. A loud explosion could be heard from where Izuku burst through.

That explosion was from Katsuki, using it to propel himself and Tenya up the ice ramp and to the sky.

As the two of them continued to ascend, the rope they tied to Izuku allowed them to extract the greenet and purplet out of their situation. Katsuki set off another explosion to propel them further.

Tomura was caught off-guard by his little brother's actions.

Seeing that the trio and Shinsou have completely caught the villains' attentions, Shouto and Momo took it as a sign to start leaving.

The villains weren't quick to give up, however. Magne and Spinner worked together to throw Mr. Compress towards the group of students, magnetizing the villain to help him gain some momentum.

Izuku and Shinsou's eyes went wide when they saw that the villain were about to reach them, but suddenly, Mr. Compress was hit by another invisible force, cracking the villain's mask and sending him crashing to the ground.

Not a moment later, they watched as wind was sucked into that one spot, and suddenly an attack similar to Air Cannon was released towards the teenagers, finally sending them out of the battlefield.

As Izuku's group continued to make their escape, the greenet couldn't help but think about what he saw before that Air Cannon was released.

It was only for a second but he could've swore he saw glowing yellow eyes.


NOTES: Ooh, I wonder what or who that could be. °︿°

Also, writing action is so draining.

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