Chapter 18

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{ in Xiwu Palace }
As the sun rose, the sleeping goddess woke up from her slumber... she felt a hand on her and turned around to see that Ye Hua was asleep soundly. So, as she was about to gently get his arm off her... suddenly  he said " don't go..... lay here with me some more "

" i thought you wouldn't wake up and stop me " said Bai Qian as she laid back down facing Ye Hua

" where do you want to go today ?" Asked Ye Hua

" i want to head back to Qing Qiu, pay a visit " said Bai Qian

" you know, you're 150 years pregnant with whose going to be the only triplet heavenly princes or princesses in the history of the 3 worlds and 4 seas " said Ye Hua

" i know but, it's better to let them recognize themselves with their relative family too " said Bai Qian

" ugh, why can't i ever win a debate with you..... ok then but, make sure you come back before dinner " said Ye Hua

" alright, i promise " said Bai Qian as she changed her clothes and headed out to Qing Qiu

{ in Qing Qiu }
" Feng Jiu " called out Bai Qian

" Aunt " said Feng Jiu as she bowed

" Feng Jiu, i heard that Gun Gun and Dong Hua are getting jealous of each other for your love " joked Bai Qian

" aiya, Aunt just don't bring it up..... just listening to it gives me a headache and it doesn't even end there.... they'll quarrel with each other and even compete... if it wasn't for bedtime, they would be quarreling all through their 3 lifetimes" said Feng Jiu

" heh, as if you haven't known how Ye Hua is also like that " said Bai Qian as she stood a bit closer to Feng Jiu

" Aunt, i heard you were pregnant with triplets ?" Asked Feng Jiu

" news really does spread fast. Yes, I am " said Bai Qian

" Congratulations Aunt.... they're going to be the first immortal triplets in the history of the 3 worlds and 4 seas " said Feng Jiu

" that's true but, it's going to be hard work " said Bai Qian

" anyway, i heard Zhe Yan has prepared some peach blossom wine... would you care to have some ?" Asked Feng Jiu

" of course, that would be my delight " said Bai Qian as they headed to Zhe Yan's small hut in peach blossom forest but, meanwhile.....

{ in Xiwu Palace }
" Crown Prince ! Crown Prince !" Shouted Ding Wei

" Ding Wei, what is it ??" Asked Ye Hua

" it's Master.... last night around sometime after midnight, he was attempted to be assassinated but, luckily he was smart so, he wasn't hurt but, this wasn't the first time and i don't believe it'll be the last. So, i've come here to invite Your Highness to come to Kunlun mountain and discuss with us " explained Ding Wei

" alright then, you may leave " said Ye Hua

" yes, Crown Prince " said Ding Wei as he waited at Kunlun mountain for Ye Hua's arrival. Now, let's get back to Qing Qiu and Peach Blossom Forest

{ in Peach Blossom Forest }
" old phoenix, we heard you've just digged up some wine so, we came to get some " said Feng Jiu

" wow, news really does spread fast. Anyway, sure" said Zhe Yan while handing Feng Jiu a jug of wine

" hey, old phoenix.... where's mine ???" Asked Bai Qian

" don't forget.... you're pregnant Your Highness" reminded Zhe Yan

" oh no, i feel so energized that i forgot " siad Bai Qian

" see, so immature...." said Zhe Yan

" hey, who are you calling immature ??" Said Bai Qian a bit annoyed

" alright, alright.... not immature..... just forgetful " said Zhe Yan

" hey !" Shouted Bai Qian annoyed

" alright, alright..... forget it " said Feng Jiu

" Your Highness, His Highness Dijun calls you " said Miao Qin

" alright, i know. Aunt, old phoenix.... i'll have to get going now " said Feng Jiu

" alright then " said Bai Qian as Feng Jiu left Peach Blossom forest

" old phoenix, don't you think that servant is a bit weird ??" Asked Bai Qian

" i know right, it seems she is planning something against us " said Zhe Yan

" it seems weird but, i think that the attempted assassination as something to do with her " said Bai Qian

" let's see what she does next and then conclude " said Zhe Yan meanwhile

{ telepathy }
" Miao Qin, Brother in-law is dead " telepath-ed Ding Wei

" Stop kidding me.... he isn't dead, he's just disguised as Jing Yan in Kunlun " said Miao Qin thinking Ding Wei was kidding

" i'm not.... The Crown Prince has just been called to make a decision on what to do with Brother in-law " said Ding Wei grieving

" no.... you're lying " she said as she stopped walking and dropped the handkerchief that she was holding in shock

{ real life }
" Miao Qin, you dropped your handkerchief " said Feng Jiu pointing to the handkerchief

" oh, i didn't realize " said Miao Luo while secretly wiping her tears

" what's wrong ?? Why are you crying ??" Asked Feng Jiu

" it's just.... seeing your majesty and Dijun makes me remember my love..... but, he was killed in the battle of the ghost realm and heavenly realm " said Miao Qin

But, hearing that.... Feng Jiu started suspecting Miao Qin so, she pulled her hand, put her other hand on the back of her neck and caught Miao Qin's back of the neck and said " so, are you saying you're a part of the ghost realm" asked Feng Jiu

"No, my love was a soldier in the heavenly army but, he sacrificed his life to save the High God Bai Zhen " said Miao Qin letting her tears run down her cheeks and as Feng Jiu let Miao Qin's neck go, Miao Qin sat on the ground feeling numb and sobbed while remembering her memories.

{ flashback }
" Su Wei, we're finally getting married " said Miao Qin with radiance in her eyes

" yes darling.... i have everything in the world now " said Ding Wei

" darling, i heard today you were called by My Mother and Father. What was it about ?" Asked Miao Qin

" nothing.... it's just that the ghost realm is making their move " said Ding Wei, pulling Miao Qin into his arms

" don't tell me they're calling you off to battle " said Miao Qin

" they are .......and my master, your mother and father  and also all my other senior and junior brothers too " said Ding Wei

" then i'm not worried about your safety " said Miao Qin

" awww how can you not be ??? I'm still your husband " said Ding Wei

" alright, alright.... i'll be waiting here for you. Come home safely " said Miao Qin as the sat on a terrace and watched as the sun stetted

~ read Chapter 19 to see what happens next ~

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