Chapter 24 (FINALE)

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{ in Xiwu Palace, 2000 years later }
" Ye Hua, you see.... i told you Lian Xin looks more like you " Bai Qian said as she sat in Ye Hua's arms while watching all 4 of her children playing together

" Alright, whatever you say Crown Princess " Ye Hua said pulling Bai Qian closer to him.

They were sitting in the peach blossom Hall, and suddenly Lian Song came in cuz and said " Mo Yuan is getting married !!! "

" WHAT ?! " the pair said in shock

" there is nooo way. I mean, i would believe it if you said anyone else... but, my brother ?? Noooo " Ye Hua said

" fine. The invitation will he here in a few moments, see if you'll believe me then ! " Lian Song said while leaving

Suddenly a poof came and there it was, an invitation to the wedding of the God of War to a mortal woman.

{ a month later in Kunlun mountain }
" from today on, i'll always protect you " Mo Yuan said

" thank you for healing my eyes.... i would've lost my will to live if it wasn't for you " Yun Qing said

As they hugged a few minutes before the wedding, Yun Qing was signaling the ghost tribe to prepare to attack.

" are you ready ? " Xue Ying asked through telepathy

" i was ready since the day i came here " Yun Qing said

Then, Ye Hua came in and told them that it was about time to head to the hall. That day, Yun Qing was wearing a red dress that showed off her body shape while Mo Yuan wore his war armor but, coloured in red to show his will to protect his new wife.

After the ceremony, they headed to the pond in the back of the forest, where Xue Ying and Shang Han prepared to attack. Zhe Yan came in and decided to drink liquor with Mo Yuan to celebrate his marriage. 

But, they both felt something was a miss.

So, after a while, they pretended to be drunk and at that moment, there came an ambush from all sides. There were Atleast 27 assassins and the two worked together to take them down one by one.

Seeing that their plans are failing, Yun Qing tells one of the assasins to take her hostage.  And then shouts " MO YUAN SAVE ME ! "

Mo Yuan realizing that Yun Qing didn't call him Yuan Shuang, he immediately knew something was a miss and he said " what did you just call me ? " 

Yun Qing realizing she made a mistake said " Yuan Shuang, Save me! Please, i'm scared "

Mo Yuan then, rushed over to her, pushed the assassin's sword off her neck and held her waist as their eyes locked. But, then Yun Qing took out a small hidden dagger and directly stabbed Mo Yuan in the chest.

Mo Yuan put her down, pulled out the dagger and focused on his breathing. Just to find out that the dagger had been poisoned and focusing his breathing, only made it backfire on him even more. Before long, he spit out blood and looked at Yun Qing with the most unbelievable stare ever. He was in shock, the person who he swore to protect, just stabbed him. And so, he revealed the secret he has kept for so long....

" Liang Yu, i am your father... " said Mo Yuan

" WHAT ?! NO WAY ! You're kidding aren't you " Yun Qing said

" it's true... I remember you told me you were 100.000 years old... and Mei An, Your Mother left me to marry that bastard 100.100 years ago..... " Mo Yuan explained

Then, Yun Qing continued to sink in uncontrollable disbelief and they suddenly heard a shout from the other side of the pond " OLD PHOENIX WATCH OUT ! "

" mmfph " Bai Zhen grunted as Xue Ying's sword of broken souls, pierced right through his chest.

" ZHEN ZHEN ! AAAAAAAA " Zhe Yan screamed as he blasted Xue Ying away and also blasting the sword out of Bai Zhen, making him spit out blood and collapsing to the ground.

Zhe Yan catched Bai Zhen right on time and says softly with tears in his eyes " Bai Zhen..... " and pulls Bai Zhen closer and kisses him. But, the sweet moment didn't last for long.

As not long after that, Bai Zhen coughed up more blood and said " Old Phoenix, i love you but, it seems that the two of us are really just not meant to be "

Zhe Yan then wiped Bai Zhen's mouth while saying " Zhen Zhen, don't say that..... you'll be fine. I'll carry you to the hut right now..... i can save you, i know i can. Don't give up.... "

" Stop with those stupid promises. The sword i used to stab him was the sword of broken souls and i bet you, being a" High God" you, already know what that is. HAHAHAHAHHAHA LET THAT PETTY LOVE OF YOURS GO DIEEEEEEE AHAHAAHAHAA !!!!

Zhe Yan is a fit of rage shouted " Shut that dirty mouth of yours ! Or i'll cut your tongue out with it ! " but, as Zhe Yan was about to get up, Bai Zhen said

" Old Phoenix, don't.... If i die, who's going to take care of Fifth Sister other than you.  I hope that in the next life, we'll meet again.... And maybe then, i can be with..... you.... " he said right before the heart that was once so loud and strong, became quieter, and quieter, until, it was no longer heard.

Zhe Yan with tears falling down his cheeks, said " BAI ZHEN !! BAI ZHEN !!! " * sob *

Xue Ying while also in the corner laughing ecstatically, he said " AHAHAHAHA MOTHER ! FATHER ! WAN XING ! I'VE AVENGED YOUR DEATHS ! "

And suddenly from nowhere, Li Tong, Ding Wei, Die Feng, the 2nd, 3rd and 14th disciples showed up and split up to help, Ding Wei, alongside the 2nd and 3rd disciple rushed tp save Bai Zhen. Die Feng and the 14th disciple ran to help Yu Qing and Mo Yuan. But, only Li Tong was frozen there not knowing which side to take.

But, in the midsts of the chaos, Zhe Yan lifted Xue Ying's sword of broken souls and sprinted towards Xue Ying. As he was sprinting, Yu Qing came in the way and the sword stabbed right through her.

" A-Qing !!!!!!! NOOOOOOO " Xue Ying shouted as he catched Yu Qing in his arms.

" A-Qing, why did you do this ? " Xue Ying asked with tears in his eyes

" Brother Xue Ying, we've been together for the last 100.000 years. There's not a daythat goes by that i'm not thinking of you. I've fallen for you everyday since that day we met" Yu Qing said with a faint smile on her face.

" A-Qing, i love you too " Xue Ying said as he pulled Yu Qing into a kiss. But, by the end of that kiss, Xue Ying found that Yu Qing had already gone.

" Zhe Yan, i just wanted you to feel the pain of losing the one closest to you. But, i ended up losing the only one i had left. Fine, if this is the ending i get, then i'll fulfill heaven's will" Xue Ying said as he hugged Yu Qing, stabbing himself with the sword too. Ultimately, destroying his soul and dying in the process. 

Though this might seem like the end, oh but no it isn't.

In short, Zhe Yan decided to travel around the 3 realms and 4 seas in search for a purpose to live on. Mo Yuan secludes himself from the world and spends all his time teaching in Kunlun Mountain. But, all of this, poses a new threat. Since Bai Zhen died.... Bai Qian will slowly deteriorate with time. Zhe Yan made a recipe of a medicine using Ye Hua's blood that could temporarily treat Bai Qian but, it is not a long-term solution.

Will she make it through this ?

Look forward to future updates on a new series !

Thank you for all your support on this series!

Love ya'll ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sincerely, The Author

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