Chapter 20: Maiden In The Tower

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(This story was created by my KLigers98, Epsilon6666, Striker777, TokyoRomhay, and Tojamaru.)

(I do not own my hero academia, Star Wars, Batman, RvB, Kamen Rider, RWBY, Magi series, and the Izuku belongs to . Also, most of the gifs were made by me as well as some of the pictures but I did not draw them just photoshop them.)

The story starts with Makoto, Kai, Jin, and Kyle outside the house of Older Blake ready to go save Salem though Kai was skeptical about it as they were going to save the wife that used to be wed to that crazy bastard who doomed a Kingdom.

Kai: Are you sure she will help us because I highly doubt she would?

Kyle: I know you have doubts Kai but she is our best chance to beat Darkness. She is the only person who knows the ins and outs of the Darklands as well as her Castle.

Makoto: Well it's our best shot, besides I think you forget we have some leverage on her. She'll agree to help.

Jin: Sometimes it scares me when you say we have leverage on her Makoto.

Kai then sighs but nods and all 4 of them stand side by side together and Aurora curtain appears and takes them away.

With Darkness

It has been a day since he got his new powers and the scene shows Darkness creating his army and sees that it is almost complete.

Darkness: Soon the final battle will be upon Remnant light vs Darkness the battle will be spectacular as to who will be the winner is.

Darkness said as he kept creating more monsters until he stopped and felt the Mistress in his presence.

Mistress: Honestly aren't you forgetting one important detail?

Darkness: I know Decade has his final form but can you blame me for trying to create as many monsters as possible to stand a chance but knowing Decade he could wipe this army in seconds.

Mistress: That's not what I'm referring to Darkness. Decade would struggle even with the support of Diend and Den-O against your new monster army. What you forget is that if you accomplish your goal Decade will simply destroy this world along with you. This is a losing battle no matter what.

As the Mistress said that Darkness became confused.

Darkness: What do you mean a losing battle? Please elaborate on what you mean Mistress.

Mistress: Still so naive, the moment Decade showed up your failure was assured there is no chance of victory. While Decade would rather not destroy this world along with its innocent people, he will protect the rest of the multiverse from you. Why else do you think I came here to test him? I already knew what the outcome would be the moment I arrived.

Darkness: I see well then if I do manage to beat Decade I prove you wrong but the chances are slim so tell me do you know any way I can destroy Decade? I know you wish to fight him but I know you a bit that you try to push him even further so tell me is there a way to beat Decade?

Mistress: Darkness, if you kill Decade which is the only way to prevent your own downfall, I kill you. Plus if you think your little power boost will help against me you're wrong I can take it away anytime I want. Plus I killed Tsukasa when he was in Complete Form. Tell me do you see any way out?

Darkness became silent, sadly nodded no.

Darkness: I should have known this would be too good to be true but as mortals say screw it if I can't leave this world than I better destroy it than.

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