Chapter 13: The Gang's All Here

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(This story was created by my KLigers98, Epsilon6666, Striker777, TokyoRomhay, and Tojamaru.)

(I do not own my hero academia, Star Wars, Batman, RvB, Kamen Rider, RWBY, Magi series, and the Izuku belongs to . Also, most of the gifs were made by me as well as some of the pictures but I did not draw them just photoshop them.)

The story starts off on the DenLiner where everyone was getting ready to head out to Menagerie. The scene then changes to the gang preparing to leave.

Izuku: Okay everyone, we're getting ready to move so I suggest you bring some supplies.

Romhay: Yeah also I checked the continent, it's pretty hot so bring lots of water so you don't get dehydrated.

Everyone then nodded and shook their heads.

Makoto: I can get all of us more appropriate clothes with my Aurora Curtain. Let's be honest, when was the last time any of us changed our clothes?

When Makoto said that everyone looked at eachother and saw that most of them were pretty dirty.

Jaune: I mean, I got changed back when I was in my dimension grabbing our new friend over there.

He pointed at Thulathi, who was still clinging to Ren, much to the chagrin of Nora.

Jaune: So, yeah, I'm good.

Makoto: Ah yes I thought it was Yunan you had brought with us as well. Where is he anyway?

Jaune: Down train a bit. He doesn't really like meeting new people.

When Jaune and Makoto mention Yunan, some of the heroes were confused as to who Yunan is.

Romhay: Hey Makoto who the heck is Yunan?

Makoto: Yunan is an old friend of Sinbad's, I've been to a world or two that was home to Sinbad and his household. So I'm familiar with Magoi and how it works, not on the same level as Yunan mind you.

Romhay: Okay but before we leave has anyone seen Damien.

Momotaros: Oh he is in the medical bay checking on Kai.

Jin: Yeah, Damien is still beating himself up about that one. Makoto and I should have been quicker.

Izuku: It's not your fault guys you're only human we can't always be there and besides Kai will pull through he has to.

This makes Jin smile as well as Makoto which they both nodded their heads.

Jin: Yeah, Although we should be careful from now on you guys didn't see it, but the Mistress gave Ryuga a power boost. She's not playing around with us anymore.

Romhay: Not kidding you guys barely got out alive I fear that Ryuga guy was only a test.

Makoto: If only Jin and I had access to the K-Touches it would give us the edge we need. Then again, if we did have them, I don't know if I could go through with using it.

DenLiner Medical Bay

The scene changes to the Medical bay where Damien

is sitting on a chair where he is looking at Kai who was hooked up to a machine. Damien just looks at Kai's unmoving body and looks at him with sadness.

Damien: Damnit, why didn't I move! It's not the first time I've been attacked by a monster without the Taros there to help me.

Damien balls his hands and makes a fist in anger.

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