Team One: New York(2012) - Jump Start

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***NEW YORK(2012)***

New York. A great place to visit...but not  today. On this particular, there was an invasion happening. But fortunately, it was being thwarted by the heroic group: The Avengers. 

The six heroes stood in a circle, looking to the threat all around them before dispersing back into action. However, a block away, a flash occurred as six people came out of a portal. The six: Jamie, Peter, Harley, Ava, Maddie, and PJ. 

As they looked around and took in their surroundings, their Quantum suits disappeared into the Time GPS on their dorsal.

"All right, we all have our assignments." Peter started, gaining their attention. "Two Stones uptown, one Stone, down." 

"Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock." Jamie added. 

Suddenly, the sound of a loud crash came down behind him and they all looked to see the Hulk slamming a car onto a few Chitauri soldiers. Then he proceed to jump on it like a kid jumping on the bed.  

He did this a few more times before running off to deal with some Chitauri that were running away. This left the five time travelers stunned at that sight.

Feeling like this was somewhat of a cue for him, Maddie lowered his head sheepishly. "Oh boy."

"May wanna smash a few things along the way." Peter suggested to him, shrugging a little as he knew that was a lot to watch. "You know, just to blend in."

Maddie nodded at that and proceeded to take off his shirt. "Somehow, I saw that coming."

With that, he began to walk off and tried to do his best Hulk impression. 

"Oh, how did he do it?...Grrr. Raahhh!" The big green teen dramatically made Hulk-like noises that, to be honest, weren't all that good. "Hulk smash! Rahhh!" 

Seeing this made the others laugh a little but that would have to wait. They had a mission to carry out. Before they separated, Ava came up to Peter and pulled him into a hug, which he returned.

"You be careful, Peter." She whispered to him. 

"I will. You too, Tiger."

Ava smiled and kissed his cheek before running to catch up with Maddie.


***Sanctum Sanctorum***

Finally making their way to 177A Bleecker, Maddie and Ava, with her mask fully on now, checked out the Sanctum from the streets below.

"This the place?" Ava wondered out loud.

Looking at the address once more, Maddie nodded and looked up. "Yep, 177A Bleecker Street. Plus, that window isn't on just any building."

He was alluding to the unique window pane up top.

He was alluding to the unique window pane up top

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