Superhero Camp 🦸🏻🏕️

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"Good morning! It's a cool 62 degrees with partly cloudy skies. When you are ready, breakfast awaits in the dining room. Thank you."

The announcement from FRIDAY rang through the rooms of the new recruits. Some were already awake, some were still hugging their pillows, but they pulled themselves out of bed and they all made their way to where they were directed.


***Dining Room***

They were welcomed by Peter, Jamie and Bruce already there at a long table that was surrounded by chairs and laden with food. There was toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, waffles, fruit salad, some oatmeal, orange juice and milk.

"Morning guys!" Peter greeted with a smile.

"Hey bro," Nikki greeted. The rest came after her.

Viv waved as she entered. "Good morning."

Then Ava, "Morning."

Cassie and PJ. "Morning!" "Hey guys!"

Kamala. "MORNING!"

Sam. "Hey."

Riri. "Mornin'."

Azari. "Good morning."

Frankie grunted with a nod, still not fully awake. "Mmm."

Kate. "Morning, morning!"

Harley. "Mornin'."

And Amadeus. "Good morning."

They all came and sat in their seats and looked to Peter and Jamie at the head of the table.

"Well," Peter began, "again, good morning and uh, hope you guys got some good sleep."

"Could use a little more," Frankie groaned, holding his still half asleep head up. This earned a few laughs and hahas from the others, even Peter.

"Well you can always get some more later. But uh, yeah! So if you guys are hungry, there's plenty of food here. Trust me, you're gonna wanna get your strength up for today."

"Are we starting our training today?" Kate asked, curiously.

Jamie cut in and nodded. "Eh, somewhat, yeah. But for now, just enjoy, guys."  

And with that, they all dug in.



After breakfast, everyone had went to do their own thing. PJ and Scott went to help Bruce and Nebula with some designs for new suits for when they went to the Quantum Realm. PJ had some cool ideas, so he was definitely excited. Maddie also went to help.

Frankie went back to sleep while Kate went to do target practice with her bow. And Nikki, Cassie, Torunn and Kamala spent some time together. Girl time, you know.

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