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Back again with HEAVY stuff this time! Enjoy it and take it all in.




Pepper lifted her head up from the toilet and sat down next to it, catching her breath as she had just emptied her stomach of its load.

This had been happening for almost two weeks. But she didn't know what was making her feel queasy all the time. Was she sick or something?......or something.

A knock at the door brought her out of her thoughts.

"Pepper! Are you alright in there?"


Pepper swiftly grabbed some toilet paper and wiped her mouth before flushing it. "Yeah, I'm...I'm okay."

She stood up and looked in the mirror to fix herself up before unlocking the door and opened it.

"Are you okay?" Betty asked, concern written all over her face.

Pepper did her best to play it off as she back up and sat down on the now closed toilet seat. "Yeah, I just...Ive been feeling like this for the past few week or so."

"A few weeks?" Betty echoes as she sat on the edge of the bathtub across from her friend. She began to think of the possibilities for Pepper's stomach problem. "Hmm...have you eaten anything bad or something that didn't agree with you?"

"Um...not that I know of."

"Could it maybe be a bug?"

Pepper thought about that, but tossed the thought away. "I don't think so."

Okay, no stomach bug, not food poisoning. What else could it be? Then one final thought came to Betty. She wasn't sure, but it seemed like the only other logical thought.

"Pep," she started cautiously, "You don't think you could be....ya know."


Betty couldn't think of any other way to put it, so bluntness was the only way. "Pregnant."

Pepper's eye want wide at that before she burst into laughter.

"Oh no! HAHAHA!!! I'm sorry, but no. I couldn't be."

Of all things, that was preposterous. There was no way.

As the redhead laughed, Betty smiled but still kept a serious look on her face, still not letting go of the possibility of this theory.

"You sure about that?" Betty asked again, not entirely convinced.

As a scientist, it was her job to have theories and explore them. And this one seemed accurate. Pepper, on the other hand, didn't think so. But she was used to this kind of reaction.

"Yeah, I'm sure! I mean, me and Tony haven't been together since........"

Pepper's face began to slowly go down as she realized that Betty's theory might just be true. She thought hard, trying to remember the specific last time she and Tony were together and realized that.....

"Since just before he....oh my god."

"Just before what?"


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