Post Credit Scene - "We'll Need Them To..."

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I doubt he'll see this, but thank you @midwestavenger on TikTok for the inspiration for this dialog. 👍🏼👍🏼

Last piece!!!


***Upstate New York***

"So you're not gonna tell us?" Ava asked.

The team of young heroes rode in a mid-sized bus, driving down a road just outside of New York City and into upstate. 

"Tell you what?" Happy replied, up in the driver seat.

Ava's face went deadpan at that.

"She means where we're going, Happy." Cassie said for her, probably nicer than Ava would have.

Happy had been assigned by the original Avengers to get the kids and bring them to a secret spot for a "big surprise". And they were to have no idea or clue, otherwise it would ruin the surprise.

So now they were en route to said location for said surprise.

"All I can say is that your parents and the rest of the Avengers put together a little something for all of you and they want it to be a surprise." He replied, "And trust me, I think you're gonna like it."

There seemed to be some confidence in his answer, like he knew already.

And though some of them knew they could get a confession out of him, they decided to let him drive and find out on their own.

A good ten to thirteen minutes went by until finally,

"Alright, we're coming up on it now!" Happy said.

The surroundings were mostly trees on either side of the road, but that changed when they came to driveway and pulled up to a beautiful tall mansion.

The surroundings were mostly trees on either side of the road, but that changed when they came to driveway and pulled up to a beautiful tall mansion

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They all leaned to one side of the bus with some up in the window to get a better view of the place. It was beautiful.

Soon, Happy pulled up to front where there was a driveway for the bust to turn around at the front door of the massive house. And standing by the front porch were the original Avengers team, and some of their parents(Steve and Natasha, Thor, and Scott and Hope).

The doors to the bus opened and the young ones stepped out, Happy behind them.

"Peter!" Oh and Morgan was there too and she ran immediately to her big brother.

"Hey Morgan!" He picked her up and hugged her close.

"Glad you guys could finally join us," Natasha said with her usual tone.

"Nice place," Harley said, still looking at the house behind them.

"Thanks," Tony jumped in, placing a hand dramatically on his chest, whilst his other carried a briefcase. "It's my old family home, with some modern revamping here and there."

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