A High Percentage, A Busy Weekend and Strawberries

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Who would have thought that a simple act of holding hands would cause such an uproar?

Because that's exactly what happened.

The bell rang, signaling the end of Miss Bustier's class. Adrien packed up his things and stood up before moving next to Marinette. Once she was ready, he offered his hand out for her to take. She very happily accepted it.

A high pitched scream resounded through the room. "Are you two dating?" Rose screeched at seeing them.

Everyone in class stopped what they were doing and looked at Adrien and Marinette.

"Uh... yes we are," Adrien admitted.

The room erupted. Mostly with screams of excitement. There was, however, one scream of outrage too.

"Adrikins you can't possibly be serious," Chloé demanded. "This is some sick joke, right? You can't be dating her!"

"It's not a joke Chloé. Me and Marinette are dating. And as my oldest friend I would expect you to be happy for us," Adrien said to the blonde.

Chloé's eye twitched as she glared at him. "This is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!" she screamed, storming out of the room. Her best friend Sabrina was right on her heels.

Adrien and Marinette were pulled away from each other as the rest of the class took turns offering their congratulations.

"Way to go man. Marinette is so hot," Kim said, patting Adrien on the back.

"You're really lucky," Nathaniel chimed in.

"Yeah," Ivan said simply.

"I offer my congratulations," Max said. "You and Marinette are very compatible. There's a 94.7 percent chance that your relationship will be successful."

"Uh, thanks," Adrien replied, unsure of how to respond.

The girls surrounded Marinette and took turns embracing her.

"I'm so happy for you!" Rose squealed.

"Totally awesome," Juleka added.

"You two make such a cute couple," Mylène said.

Alix came over and fist bumped her. "Congrats Marinette."

"Thanks," the blunette replied. "You guys are the best."

"Alright students," Miss Bustier finally interrupted. "I know you're all very excited for your friends but you need to go to your next class. Mrs Mandeleiev will not be happy if everyone is late."

"Yes Miss Bustier," they said.

Adrien turned back to Marinette and held out his hand again. She placed her hand in his and they walked together to their next class.


All week long Adrien and Marinette were inseparable at school. And in the evenings they talked on the phone and texted each other.

Friday afternoon after their last class, Adrien pulled Marinette into an empty classroom and quickly kissed her.

He wanted as much time as he could get. They wouldn't have the chance to see each other again for two whole days.

And he couldn't get enough of her sweet lips on his. Marinette finally had to push him away. "Adrien," she said laughing. "Your bodyguard is going to be super mad if you don't get out there soon."

"I don't care," he said before leaning in and kissing her again.

Once more she had to push him back. "I don't want you getting into trouble!"

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