A Letter, An Adorable Quirk and A Nugget

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Adrien didn't bother going to bed when he was back in his room. Plagg, however, complained about his lack of 'beauty sleep' and quickly flew under the covers.

Sitting down at his desk, Adrien looked at the picture of him and Marinette. They really needed to take a new one. Not that this one was bad, it was just that things were different now. They were dating, so they needed an official couple picture. Maybe he would even post it on Instagram with the caption 'Here's me with my beautiful girlfriend!' That would really piss his father off.

His father. What were they going to do about him? They needed a plan, and they needed one sooner rather than later.

Should they turn him into the police? He definitely deserved to be in jail for what he had done. But no, Adrien didn't want that. No matter how bad of a father he was, he couldn't send him to prison.

Adrien stood up and went to his closet as he thought of something. After searching for a few minutes he found what he was looking for. The scarf that his father gave him last year for his birthday.

He remembered being so happy when he received it, and how loved he felt in that moment. But now he wasn't sure if it was real.

In front of his mirror, he put the scarf on and examined his reflection. Then he reached up and removed it. He ran his fingers down the soft material, admiring the quality. His fingers stopped at the very end as they felt a slight bump.

Moving it up to his face, he saw a small letter stitched into the fabric. It was the same color blue as the rest of the scarf, so it was almost invisible. He had never noticed it before.

"M?" he asked himself. He always assumed that it was a Gabriel Agreste brand scarf. But if that were the case, there should have been a G, not M.

M for Medium? Menswear? Made in... no, definitely not.

The answer popped into his head. "Marinette," he whispered. He looked around and ran over to where his hoodie was hanging up. Grabbing it off the hanger, he ran his fingers over the fabric. At the very bottom corner he found it. Another M. Exactly like the one on his scarf.

That made no sense. His father had access to plenty of scarves. Why would he have one of his friends make one?

Adrien put the hoodie back and picked up the scarf again. No wonder it was made so well, Marinette's lovely hands had created it. But she never told him. Why didn't she mention anything when she saw him wearing it? He would have to ask her.

When it was time for breakfast Adrien put the scarf on and went to the dining room.

His father was there, no doubt planning on asking him about Griffin again.

At seeing his son, Gabriel cocked his head. "Why are you wearing a scarf? It's not cold out today."

"I just thought that I'd wear it. I mean, it's always been my favorite gift from you."

He narrowed his eyes. "I gave you that gift?"

"Yes, you did," Nathalie said quickly from her place along the wall. "For Adrien's birthday last year. Don't you remember?"

He paused for a moment. "Ah yes, for your birthday. I almost forgot. Well I'm pleased that you like it."

Adrien didn't respond. He looked over at Nathalie, who was staring intently at the floor. He picked up his fork and started eating. How long, he wondered, would it take for his father to bring up...

"Has Marinette mentioned if she saw that boy yet?" Gabriel asked.

A new record.

"I didn't speak with her on the phone last night," he responded. It wasn't a lie.

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