A Gooey Sauce and A Charade

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"Anyway, I should go. I'm really tired," Marinette continued.

Adrien felt a pain in his chest. "I wish I had my ring right now. I'd already be on my way to your house so I could climb into bed with you."

"Adrien!" she reprimanded.

"Not like that! I just want to be next to you, that's all."

She sighed. "You're so sweet."

"And if something just happens while I'm there, well I wouldn't be upset about it."

Marinette almost dropped her phone. "You did not just say that!" she laugh-yelled at him.

"Well, pawdon me for being so furward with you."

She finished laughing. "I'm hanging up the phone now."

He let out an exaggerated whine.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she said before she disconnected.

Marinette smiled to herself as she put her phone down. After a minute she went over to the bathroom. Checking her reflection in the mirror, she saw stains on her shirt and jacket from the food. Hopefully they would wash out.

Her heart sank when she noticed that her new necklace had some sauce on it too. She barely had the present for two minutes before she managed to get it dirty.

She unclasped it from her neck and ran it under the faucet.

Most of the sauce came off easily, but some of it was really gooey and wouldn't wash off.

"Oh, come on," Marinette muttered to herself as she rubbed her fingers over it. There was still a streak of sauce on the indentation going around the pendant.

She moved the necklace up to her face so she could see it better. Using her fingernail, she scraped along the indentation trying to dig out the sauce.

She scraped and scraped, but she soon realized that it wasn't only sauce that she was scraping off. There was also a clearish-white sticky material coming off with it. When she scraped all the way around, the pendant split open. Marinette froze, afraid that she broke it.

Then a look of confusion crossed her face at realizing that the pendant was meant to open, but seemed to have been glued shut. She pried it fully apart to reveal a compartment. A compartment that wasn't empty.

She frowned as she saw the item inside. It was a small black rectangular cuboid.

Turning the pendant upside down, she dumped the object into her hand and examined it. "What is this?" she whispered to herself.

On one side she could just make out three small letters that were etched into the object.


Who's initials were G.P.S.? And why would this thing be inside her necklace?

Marinette went back to her bedroom where her kwami was resting. "Tikki, do you know what this is?"

She flew up and looked at the black object in her hand. "No, I have no idea. It doesn't really look like anything."

"Can you think of anyone with the initials G.P.S.? It belongs to them."

"Wait," the kwami said, moving closer to her. "It belongs to G.P.S., or it is a GPS?"

Marinette blinked. "Oh, I didn't think of that," she muttered before lifting it back up to look at it again. "A Global Positioning System? This thing is a tracking device?"

"I guess so. Where did you find it?" Tikki asked.

"It was hidden inside of the necklace that Adrien's father gave me today. Why on earth would he want to track me?" Marinette asked, shaking her head. "He can't possibly be that overprotective of Adrien that he would need to know where I am every second of the day. What does he think? That I would go out and see other guys behind his back?"

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