A Dress Rehearsal and A Walk Home

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Marinette rushed home from Adrien's house. Her parents were in the bakery when she got there.

"How did it go, sweetie?" her mother asked with a hopeful smile.

"Fine," she lied as she quickly climbed the stairs to the living room.

She wasn't fast enough though. Both of her parents could see the tears around her eyes. They exchanged sad glances before going back to work.

Marinette went to her room and threw herself down on her bed. "I knew going over there was a horrible idea," she cried to Tikki.

"You didn't really have a choice," the kwami told her. "You had to meet with him for your project."

"Ugh, why did I let him kiss me? It's like I have no willpower at all. How am I supposed to get over him when I can't even look at him without caving?"

"You're in love with him Marinette. Those feelings don't magically disappear simply because you think that he's better off without you."

"I'm trying to keep him safe. I'm trying to keep everyone safe. Why don't you understand?" she asked weakly.

Tikki flew closer and hugged her cheek. "I do understand, but it's just a problem that needs to be solved. Together we're going to find a way to solve it."

She rested her hand against Tikki and sighed. "Yes we are," she whispered.


Marinette was running late. After crying herself out, she took a quick shower and got ready to go out again. "I'll be home by eight!" she called to her mother as she grabbed a croissant and ran out the door.

She half jogged, half sprinted to the Couffaine houseboat. Kitty Section had a big performance coming up, and as the band's costume designer, Marinette was obligated to go to the dress rehearsal.

"I'm sorry I'm late," she panted when she climbed on-board. She leaned over and put her hands on her knees to catch her breath.

Everyone in the band was already there setting up their instruments. Luka walked over to her, smiling. "It's no problem, we were just about to start."

Rose and Juleka also went over to her. "It's okay Marinette, we totally understand," Rose said sadly, giving her a big hug.

"Yeah, don't worry about it," Juleka added with a sympathetic look before hugging her too.

Ivan nodded solemnly at her from his seat at the drums.

Luka's face fell at seeing everyone's sorrowful interaction with Marinette. What in the world was going on?

"Well let's get started," Marinette said before going over to the table with the costumes.

The band members took their places and started running through the song list. Once Marinette found the supplies she needed, she went around to each person. One by one they would try on their costume, and she would make any adjustments that were needed. The last person she got to was Luka.

He looked at her while she adjusted his mask. The light that normally shined brightly through her eyes was dulled. And her beautiful smile was nowhere to be found. He hated seeing her like that.

When she was done with the costumes, Marinette sat down to listen to the music. She wanted to relax and enjoy the moment, but every time she closed her eyes all she saw was him.

At the end of the rehearsal she got up and stretched. "You guys sound great. I bet you'll blow everyone away tomorrow night."

"Thanks Marinette. Are you sure you can't make it?" Rose asked.

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