Never-Ending Jokes, Fear and Leverage

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When school ended Adrien had bad news for Marinette.

"I'm so sorry, but my father says that I can't go over to your house today," he told her, reading the message on his phone as they walked outside.

"You're kidding," she sighed.

"Unfortunately not. He says that he wants me to come home right away, but you're still invited over of course." He shook his head. "It's like he's obsessed with you or something."

Marinette didn't reply, she simply averted his gaze.

"So what do you think?" he continued. "Will you come over today? We can talk there."

"That's not a good idea Adrien."

He sighed and wrapped his arms around her. "Please Princess. I know my father is insufferable but I really want to spend time with you."

"You... shouldn't say that..."

"It's true," he interrupted. "I've finally realized how horrible he is. All he does is lie about everything and try to manipulate everyone. And I've decided that I'm not going to let him drag me down anymore." He smiled sweetly at her. "I have more important things in my life now."

"Oh Adrien," she sighed. "Alright, I guess I'll come over..."

Adrien picked her up and spun her around wildly before putting her back down. "You're so perfect," he said.

She giggled. "I still have to ask my parents though."

"Well, come on!" he yelled, pulling her by the hand towards her house.

They were both laughing as they went inside the bakery. "Hi Maman," the girl said.

"Hi sweetie, hi Adrien," Sabine replied, smiling at the couple. "How was school today?"

"It was great," Marinette said. "We're just wondering if I could go over to Adrien's for dinner again tonight."

"You want to try dinner again? Brave girl!" she teased.

"Very funny Maman."

Sabine laughed. "Let's ask your father." She went around the corner. "Tom! Come say hello to Adrien!"

"Adrien, my boy!" Tom announced, coming to the front. "Always nice to see you."

"Thanks Mr Dupain."

"I don't think we have to be so formal anymore. Please, call us 'Tom' and 'Sabine.' I mean, we're practically family already!"

"Well thanks Tom," he said, smiling. "Could Marinette come over to my house for dinner again?"

"Of course," Tom replied. Then he looked over at his wife. "We're going to save a fortune in food costs if this keeps up."

Marinette pressed her lips together as the other three laughed.

"Alright sweetie," Sabine finally said. "Why don't you drop your backpack off in your bedroom while I pack up some things for you to bring?"

Marinette gave Adrien's hand a quick squeeze before she went upstairs. Once inside her bedroom she dropped her backpack on the floor and hurried back down, walking into a conversation between Adrien and her father.

"Well if you knead the help, I can definitely be here," Adrien said.

"It never hurts to earn a little extra dough," Tom replied.

"I don't need the money but it's the yeast that I could do."

"I'm sure you'll rise to the occasion."

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