Two Birds, One Stone and A Dream

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"Are you insane?" Marinette yelled at Adrien after hearing about what happened.

"It's okay," he insisted, trying to grab her hand.

She pulled it away from him. "He could have transformed and attacked you!"

"I know, I know. But I always have my cataclysm to protect me."

Marinette groaned. "You do realize that the only leverage that I had over your father is Griffin's contact information, right? And now he knows that it's not real. Now there's nothing stopping him from coming after me!"

"Of course there is. Chat Noir knows his identity. He won't risk going to prison for the rest of his life."

The girl sighed, trying to come up with another argument. But she had nothing. "Fine," she admitted. "You're right, this is a good plan."

"And it will prove once and for all if my father cares about me, or if he's only doing this for himself."

She nodded. "He does care about you and your happiness, you'll see."

"We will see," he said, moving up to her, smiling. "Alright if I kiss you now?"

"I guess I'll allow it," she joked. She happily accepted Adrien's lips on hers.

After their kiss, Adrien gazed into her eyes. "Can I come over again tonight?"

"Oh Kitty, I don't know. I feel like both of us haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately. Maybe we should both stay home and rest."

"Please Princess?" he asked, putting an exaggerated pout on his face.

She laughed at seeing him. "You're not going to accept 'no' as an answer, are you?"

"It's not my fault!" he insisted. "I want to hear your adorable snoring again."

Marinette's mouth fell open before she leaned back and jabbed him on the shoulder.


Adrien had his piano lesson immediately after school. As soon as his teacher left, he went down to the dining room to eat dinner. He ate all alone.

'Just two more hours,' he told himself. Then he would go visit Marinette and get to breathe in her sweet scent as he fell asleep next to her.

All he had to do was think about Marinette. Forget about everything else, just focus on her.

Unfortunately Adrien ran into his father on his way back to his bedroom. Gabriel was heading down the stairs as he was heading up.

Now for the performance to proceed. "Father, this is for you," Adrien said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a piece of paper. "Marinette asked me to give it to you. It's Griffin's contact information."

Gabriel reached out unenthusiastically and took the paper. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Goodnight," Adrien said as he continued up the stairs. He almost made it to the top before his father called out after him.

"Adrien, come down to my study for a minute. I need to speak with you."

He paused for a moment before slowly turning around. "Can it wait until tomorrow? I wanted to get to bed. I have to wake up very early to meet with Marinette's father."

"I'm afraid it can't wait. Now come on," Gabriel replied, making his way to the study.

Adrien sighed and followed him.

"If you'll excuse us, Adrien and I need to speak in private," Gabriel said to Nathalie, who was sitting at her desk.

"Yes Sir," she said, getting up and leaving the room.

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