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(adelaide kane is eternity^^)


Different landscapes flew by as Eternity sat looking out the window as the Hogwarts Express was taking her back to where all of her nightmares reside.

She sat there in silence until she heard the car door open and in walked Hermione followed by Ron and Harry. Hermione sat down next to Eternity and gave her a hug that had been missing for months. Eternity gave both Ron and Harry a tired smile before she turned back to the window thinking about how the new year at Hogwarts would be like.

Eternity turned back to her friends who she had helped fight a war with just months ago. Her attention was stolen by the car door opening and in walking Luna and Ginny. Ginny sat down on the other side of harry as Luna sat on Eternity's right.

She listened as the other five talked about what they had done over the break. Eternity zoned off as she turned her attention over Luna's edition of Quibbler to the mountains and trees that were zooming by. She was brought out of her trance when Ginny asked her what she did over break.

"My family and I went to France to visit some of the popular muggle tourist sites." Hermione's eyes widened when she turned towards Eternity.

"Oh France is so extravagant! I went there with my parents a few years ago"

Eternity nodded at Hermione with a soft smile on her face. She loved when her best friends got excited about things, but she hadn't expressed much emotions since the war. She returned to the window until it was time to get changed into their robes.


Eternity let the others go on the carriages as she waited for her house friends Lei(pronounced like lay) and Kora. She ran to her fellow hufflepuffs when she saw them and lead them to an empty carriage. She seemed a little more energetic around them than the others but maybe that was because they were more alike.

"How were your breaks?" She asked the girls in front of her.

"Lei and I went to different bookstores, muggle and magic, to find new books. We wish you could've gone with us but we got you a couple muggle books to add to your book collection." She responded as she handed the books to Eternity.

"I also got you both some souvenirs but they're in my trunk so we'll have to wait until after the feast" Eternity said softly.

"We can open the gifts together." She added and tucked the books into the bag next to her.

The three hufflepuffs walked through the entrance and into the great hall where their friend Cal sat at the hufflepuff table. The girls joined him and they all started talking about their breaks and what they hope would happen in the coming year.

The first years entered behind Head Mistress McGonagall, restless expressions on their faces as they waited to get sorted. Eternity looked across her table to the gryffindor table and waved to her friends. They all waved back and she smiled but her smile faded as she caught a pair of silvery blue eyes looking her direction. The hufflepuff looked away and brought her attention to McGonagall who began her speech.

"Welcome new years and returning years to Hogwarts. We are happy to flip the page and start a new slate with everyone here. I know that past pages of our book felt like an almost unhappy ending with all the scars and pain, but we will not burn those pages to ashes for we must mourn and grow from the past together. Let's stand together for this new year at Hogwarts!" Mistress Mcgonagall smiled as the hall was filled with applause.


Eternity noticed a group of new hufflepuffs at the table, one of them sitting next to her. She smiled at her and the younger girl returned it softly. A feast appeared in front of everyone and they all started digging in.

Eternity's favorite desert appeared in front of her and she got some before anyone else could. She took a few bites of her treacle tart before closing her eyes and taking in the sweet and rich taste. She opened them again to see the same silver eyes looking at hers. She looked to the left to see the brown eyes of one of her best friends, Blaise.

No one expected the friendship of Blaise and Eternity. A slytherin and a hufflepuff wasn't a common pairing of friends, but the hufflepuff branched out with the different houses a lot. Eternity awoke from her trance and saw Pansy waving at her. She smiled lightly and waved back. Pansy made a silly face and Eternity giggled a little.

Eternity turned her head to McGonagall who was about to start speaking again.

"First through sixth years go up to your house common rooms. Seventh and Eighth years please stay I would like to speak with you." She cleared her throat before she started speaking again.

"Tomorrow, I will be making and announcement after breakfast for you. You will not have classes tomorrow and you will start classes this coming Monday. You are dismissed." Eternity sat up along with Kora, Lei, and Cal.

"What do you think the meaning of that was?" Cal asked. Eternity looked at her fellow hufflepuffs and shrugged.

"If it's so important why not tell us now?" Cal added. She remained silent. They opened the gifts from Eternity and then turned in. She was kept awake wondering what was to be announced. Finally sleep took over her and she drifted off.

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